Day 2

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"Is there something you aren't telling me, Foster?" Keefe smirked as they turned another corner.

Sophie tugged on an eyelash that really didn't want to come out, "No, I just suck at drawing. Everything I draw comes out looking like some sort of weird fruit," She laughed, realizing that despite the awkward situation, it was kind of true. her mind wandered back to the reason she had detention in the first place.

"Oh, the rush of emotions returns, " Keefe remarked, twiddling his fingers in a way that distracted Sophie more than she cared to admit, "You're very odd Foster," he told her as they plopped down at desks in the detention room.

"Thanks, I guess" Sophie told him as the Mentor, Sir Verdue, strutted in, and sure enough, he was carrying a sketchpad.

Sophie gulped as Sir Verdue walked down the rows, ripping out pieces of paper and handing them to the students. Finally, he reached Sophie and Keefe.

"Two loners here, huh?" He asked, handing them papers, "You two will need to draw extra hard, it will free your sprits,"

Sophie felt her heart thud on the floor when the paper lilted down onto her desk. Keefe looked up at the Mentor, "Sir, I draw all the time, and I've had detention every day since midterms," he pointed out, sliding his paper to the side of his desk.

Verdue sighed and pushed his paper back, "Yes, Mr. Sencen, I've heard of your reputation for trouble. Try to free your soul through your art this afternoon," He patted Keefe on the shoulder and smiled at Sophie.

"I didn't know you drew," Sophie looked over at her friend, who was staring down at the sheet on his desk like it was his mortal enemy.

Keefe laughed almost bitterly, "I did until my dad ripped up all my drawings and told me that art was useless, that a real Sencen would devote himself to something more useful," He sighed, again pushing his paper away, "Besides, I can only draw on notebook paper, sketch paper and I don't get along very well,"

Sophie laughed at the statement, "Here, you can have a sheet from my notebook," She offered, pulling her notebook out of the satchel by her feet. It flipped open to a page that had a drawing instead of notes, and her heart spiked as she hastily ripped out a piece for him.

Keefe had leaned over to her desk, "Whatcha got in your notebook, Foster?" He pressed, grabbing the paper she held out to him.

"Nothing you need to know about, Keefe," She said the words lightly, but she was still shaken from the close call. What if he had seen it? The embarrassing possibilities whipped through her mind, making her head hurt from the panic.

"Foster, you're freaking me out," Keefe cut into her daydreams, "You realize I feel whatever you feel?" He reminded her. "Speaking of, why do I always feel your nerves when I'm around? You got something to hide?"   

She looked down at her satchel, into which she had hastily shoved her notebook. She did have something to hide, but, Keefe had been awfully kind lately. Maybe it would be alright to just tell him. Maybe he felt the same. Was it worth a shot?

She opened her mouth just as the bell rang to dismiss them to their afternoon sessions. She couldn't believe she had almost told Keefe the truth! What was wrong with her?

"Aw, c'mon Foster, we were so close!" He grabbed her arm as she tried to rush out of the room, "You were gonna tell me something big!"

"Sorry Keefe, I gotta get to telepathy," She couldn't look him in the eyes, she had almost done something so stupid!

"I'll see you tomorrow," She whispered.

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