The Conversation

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Sophie took a deep breath trying to prepare herself for the inevitable conversation to come. As much as she hated to admit, she knew deep down that it was only a matter of time before she had to tell Keefe how she really felt about him.

Of course, Keefe being an empath didn't make matters easier. And to top it all off, Sophie's emotions were even stronger to Keefe then normal. Actually, now that Sophie thought about it, it's kind of a miracle he hadn't already figured out her huge crush by this point.

She thought about if she really wanted to tell him, right then and then. I can only avoid it for so long, she thought to herself. I guess it's finally time.

Sophie looked over to Keefe; into those icy blue eyes that for so long had been the bane of her existence. He looked at her expectantly. She needed to get this right so she prepared a short script in her mind before finally opening her mouth. "Look Keefe, I-"

"PRODIGIES, MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!" Sophie's tore her gaze away from Keefe's and looked to the front of the classroom to find Lady Belva standing there with a stern look.

Oh no, she thought. Lady Belva was Keefe's mentor when he took The Universe, but Sophie was more familiar with her from one of her previous trips to detention when she made all the prodigies ballroom dance.

Sophie started to rethink her decision to tell Keefe her feelings. Was I really just been that close to telling Keefe about my crush on him? The interruption from Lady Belva totally threw her off.

She hoped Keefe couldn't sense that sudden change of emotion. Sophie glanced back to Keefe and his face displayed a 'we're not done with this conversation' look.

Lady Belva began to speak again. "As some of you may know, today we will be experiencing the art of ballroom dancing." she informed the class. "I need you all the find someone to partner up with." she added.

Sophie's eyes shot up to Keefe's and she knew there was no way she'd be able to escape dancing with him. She didn't even bother to put up a fight.

"Ok class, I'm going to have you start by..." Lady Belva proceeded to explain how all the pairs should be positioned around the room and how they should be standing with one another. Keefe's left hand was intertwined with Sophie's right while his right arm was wrapped around her back.

Sophie put every ounce of effort into controlling her emotions. Keefe could easily sense her emotions from a distance, but when they touched, the emotions were the most intense he'd ever experienced.

Keefe hadn't said much as they got into position as Lady Belva had been talking most of the time. As all the pairs finally got into position, Lady Belva explained how to do a basic step pattern and informed the class that she would be turning on the music and letting them "dance their hearts out". This meant that they would finally get the chance to finish that conversation from earlier.

At the sound of the music Sophie and Keefe started to glide around the classroom with all the other pairs. "Ok, we have some unfinished business we need to discuss." Keefe was the first to talk. Sophie felt dread wash over her trying her best to contain it. She figured she clearly didn't do too good a job when she saw Keefe's eyebrows scrunch together.

Gosh, that face. Sophie thought to herself. Keefe's eyebrows raised at the drastic change of emotions. Note to self: ask Tiergan if there's a way to block my emotions like you can block you thoughts.

"Sophie, please just tell me what's going on. One of my best friend is home dealing with the death of his brother, and my other is completely ignoring me. It's been kinda lonely today." Keefe told her.

She felt guilty for ignoring Keefe all day, but she didn't want to face him. She didn't have a choice now.

She looked deep into his icy blue eyes trying to figure out what to tell him. She had been so ready to spill her guts to him just ten minutes earlier. She couldn't tell him right now, not while they "danced their hearts out". She wished her heart would shut up and she could forget all about the stupid crush.

She had to at least say something "Keefe, I want to-" she started, but at that moment, she put her foot in the wrong place and Keefe stepped on it. When she quickly tried to pull it away, she ended up tripping over herself and falling to the floor. She felt a sharp pain in her ankle where it had hit.

"Ugh" Sophie said as she tried to move to stand back up. The pain became even sharper and she even saw Keefe grimace

"Hey, stop trying to move. You need to go see Elwin." Keefe told her. Obviously she was in no state to be walking across the school to the healing center, so what was she going to do. Keefe had a solution.

He squatted down to the ground and scooped Sophie up into his arms bridal style. Oh man, Sophie thought, this is not where I saw my day going. Keefe quickly yelled across the room to Lady Belva that Sophie got hurt and he was going to take her to see Elwin before.

Keefe walked out the door with Sophie in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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