Chapter 24

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(Flashback: Infinite Tsukuyomi Dream! - Part 2; Age: 16)


Morning came quicker than I expected. The knight named Jugo was my morning wake up call and carried me to the dining hall so that I could have breakfast with Sasuke. I was so tired that my eyes were droopy and I was really tempted to sleep on Jugo's shoulder. He tried to keep me awake by telling me my daily schedule, but by the time we reached the dining hall, everything he told me went in one ear and out the other.

At breakfast, Sasuke informs me that after we get married, we had to ballroom dance as a royal couple. Did I mention that I have two left feet when came to dancing? I almost choked on my orange juice when he told me that.

'Well,' I thought. 'It can't be that bad...'

But what I thought was only the beginning.

Immediately after I ate a healthy breakfast, I was taken to Karin to be fitted in a ball gown to practice dancing. Of course, I'll be dancing in my wedding dress, but apparently Sasuke suggested that I practice in a ball gown first. I went along with anything Sasuke said because I really didn't want him to know that I'm an awful dancer.


"All done." Karin says as she zips up the back of my dress.

I look at myself in the full body mirror. My jet black ball gown was an a-line, sleeveless halter. It stopped at my ankles so I wouldn't trip over it while dancing. My hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail that rested on my right shoulder. Everything was perfect, but the only downside of my outfit was that the top of the dress was pure, see through lace. My cheeks burned with embarrassment as I realized what I was wearing.

"C-c-can I wear something else?" I stammer.

Karin raises an eyebrow. "What's wrong? Do you not like it?"


I couldn't find the right words, so I just pointed to my chest.

"Is it too tight?"

I shake my head and circle around the laced area.

"I'm sorry," She apologizes. "That's really rare material that can hardly be replaced."

I sigh in frustration and drown myself in my thoughts. For one, I really think that Karin's making me wear dresses that show me off on purpose. Two, I can't really be upset about her taste. I hate to admit it, but I like everything Karin picks out for me, except for the exposure.

'I just hope that Sasuke looks in my eyes the entire time...' I thought.

As I'm panicking to myself, Karin snaps me back in reality by giving me another pair of heels, but sterling silver this time. I put them on and start to have déjà vu all over again.

"Looks like you're ready," Karin says while going to the door. "Please, follow me."


My nightmare had come back to haunt me as I stumble to walk in heels for the second time in a row. Again, Karin doesn't even help me, but leads the way through this humongous castle with a million different twists and turns. I could hardly keep up as I struggle to walk to the ballroom.

We finally reached the ballroom where romantic violin music could be heard. I walk in and looked around. The hardwood floor looked polished and not a spec of dirt could be found. Chandeliers were hanging in every corner with dimmed lights and the familiar fan symbol covered the ceiling. The whole room was extravagant, but only one thing caught my eye: It looked like a family portrait. I recognized Sasuke, but the other three people I couldn't figure out. I wanted to ask him about the people in the portrait, but I don't want to get his bad side, especially since most of our day will be dancing together...

Karin excuses herself out of the room as I'm alone with Sasuke. I sigh and try to stay positive about what all could happen today.

Sasuke comes up to me and offers me his hand. "May I have this dance?"

I blush at his actions. "Of c-course..."

I take his hand and he leads me to the center of the ballroom.

"Um..." I whispered. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm a horrible dancer."

"Don't worry," He tells me. "I'll lead."

He begins by placing my left hand on his shoulder. Then, he places his right hand on my waist, gently pulling me closer. Finally, he intertwines our free hands as we position ourselves so that we could follow the flow of the violins. As soon as we started to get the hang of the choreography, I accidentally step on his foot. I quickly apologize as his facial expression changes into a painful one, but quickly recovers. We started from the top, trying to follow the steps precisely. Sasuke would occasionally ask me if I needed a break, but I honestly wanted to get this over with ever since I put this dress on.


Ballroom dancing was a brutal experience. The choreography was repetitive, with Sasuke spinning me sometimes (which made me incredibly dizzy), and I kept stepping on his feet, making us lose track of the music. It was BY FAR the worst thing I've ever had to do.

Sasuke was kind enough to walk me back to my room after our dance lesson. He supported me until we got to my room.

When we come to the door, Sasuke comes to a sudden stop and takes a deep breath.

"Y/N..." He turns to me and pulls something out of his pocket. He then pulls out a box and gets down on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" He asks, revealing a gorgeous diamond ring.

All I could do was nod. He gets up from the floor, takes my hand and slides the ring on my finger.

"You don't know how happy you made me," He kisses my cheek. "Sweet dreams."

I stand there in awe as I put my hand on my pink cheek, watching him leave. I stayed like that for a few moments until I go into my room. As I walk in, I notice a handwritten letter with on my bed. Curiosity got the best of me and I open the letter.


Please tell me you're safe. I've been looking for you everywhere. When I noticed you were gone, I immediately went out, going to all your favorite places, asking the townspeople if they had seen you, everything. I was hoping and praying that the Uchiha Kingdom didn't kidnap you, but my greatest nightmare has come true. I know what they've done to you. They stole your memories of us being together. WE were supposed to get married tomorrow. You have to regain your memories and I promise to come get you as soon as I'm able. I love you so much and I hope to see you soon.



After reading the letter, I decided to go to bed. One by one, my memories came to full view. I remember Gaara, my true fiancé who loves me for who I am, I remember the townspeople who loved me and were excited to see their king marry someone he loved, and most importantly, I remember that I loved Gaara with all my heart.

All I know is that tomorrow I have to marry the right person...

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