Chapter 7

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(Flashback: Operation - Rescue... Me?! - Part 1; Age: 16)

Three years have passed since the Chunin Exams, and a lot has happened since then. Gaara became the Kazekage of the Hidden Sand Village, and I have become his right hand man(or woman in this case). Everything was finally at peace, until it happened...

It was nighttime in the Hidden Sand Village, and I was watching Gaara do paperwork given to him from his previous meetings.

Out of nowhere, I yawned.

Gaara stopped filling out his paperwork. "Y/N, if you're tired, you can go to bed."

"But Gaara," I say. "What about you?"

"I might be here all night again."

I yawned again. "Well, okay. I'll... see you in the morning. I love you, Gaara."

"I love you too, Y/N."

I walked over to the office door, but when I was about to exit the Kazekage's Office, a loud explosion shook the building.

"What was that?" I said out loud.

The door to the office opened, and three Sand ninja burst into the office.

"Our apologies, Lord Kazekage," one of the ninja said. "But the village is being destroyed!"

Gaara stood up from his chair. "I'm going to protect the village."

I turned around. "I'm going with you."


We get to the rooftop, and see a man with blonde hair (which was pulled back into a ponytail) wearing a black robe with red clouds on it.

The man laughed. "Well, if it isn't the One Tailed Jinchuuriki. Let's see how you handle my art, hmm!"

A bunch of white spider things crawl toward Gaara and me. I back up against a rooftop railing.

The man jumped on a giant white bird. "Enjoy my art, hmm!"

Gaara tried to stop the spiders from getting closer to us with a sand wall. The spiders exploded when they hit the sand, sending me flying off the roof. Right then I thought my life was going to end, but the blonde haired man caught me (holding me bridal style).

"Yes!" He said. "Try to take back your precious Jinchuuriki!"

'Huh?' I ask myself. 'He thinks I'm the One Tailed Jinchuuriki? Well, I guess I have to play along, or he'll capture Gaara and the Tailed Beast...'

I look down from the giant bird. My heart drops. If the man never caught me, I would've been dead.

For some reason, I wrap my arms around the man's neck. He looked down at me.

"Don't worry your pretty little head," the man said. "I'll make sure they'll enjoy my art."

The white bird flew so high that we were over the entire sand village.

"How about some more appreciation for my art, hmm!"

Soon, a giant white ball drops down towards the village. It was going to destroy everything.

A tear falls from my eye. "Gaara! GAARA!"

"Hmph, that was too easy." The man said.

I stare at the man. "Who are you and what do you want with me?"

The man stared at me. His blonde bangs covered his left eye. His Hidden Rock headband was scratched over. "The name's Deidara, but I'm afraid that's all I'm going to tell you."

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