Part 4: A Much Needed History Lesson

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(AN: Honestly there is a metric fuck ton of exposition in this chapter. I tried to make it some what interesting but if I'm being honesty you could probably skip this chapter if you've seen Volume 4 episode 7, unless you need a refresher on the lore)

We set up a small camp fire in the forest and Maple was wrapping Qrow's stomach in bandages. "So why were you asking about Ruby's favorite fairy tale?" I asked confused once we were all settled

"Yeah I've been wondering that too. Also you already know my favorite" Ruby said

Qrow chuckled "That's how Ozpin always started this conversation"

"What?" Ruby asked confused just like the rest of us

"So, I assume everyone here has heard the story of the four maidens?" Qrow asked and we all nodded

"Good then I don't need to recap it for you. I'm gonna cut straight to the point here. What would you say if I told you that story is real?" Qrow continued

We all looked at him confused "You mean a story about four magical women helping an old man is real" Maple said sorta sarcastically

"Well there's more to it then that antlers but yeah, what if I told you there were four maidens with unbelievable powers that don't need dust or a semblance to use them. Just magic" He finished taking a swig from his flask

We all tried to process what we just heard "Really? No questions?" Qrow asked expectingly

"Of course we have questions! This is just a lot to take in" Jaune sighed

"Sure. Of course" Qrow sighed

It was silent for a few seconds with the only sound being the camp fire before Ruby spoke up "So these Maidens. They're powerful fighters that don't need dust to use magic"

"Yeah" Qrow responded

"And there are four of them?" Nora asked


"Which means that when one dies the power transfers to someone. A female that they care about?" Ren said

"Whoever was in there thoughts last. It's an important distinction. Best option is it's someone we can trust. Regardless there souls become combined in a way" Qrow explained

"And that's what you were trying to do to Phyrra. The night the tower fell. You were trying to turn her into one of them" Jaune said aggravated

"The previous Fall Maiden Amber was attacked. She was young and inexperienced and her assailant who we now know as Cinder somehow managed to steal some of her power not all of it. We were afraid that if we didn't do something then the rest would go to her" Qrow explained further

"So you forced it on Phyrra" Jaune said spitefully

Qrow was quick to answer almost like he expected the topic of Phyrra to come up "We didn't force her. We explained the situation and gave her a choice and she chose, you were there, you heard her"

Jaune turned around on the log he was sitting on and stormed off a couple feet away from us. I placed my hand on Ruby's which was resting on her lap "That guy, Tyrian, why was he after Ruby?" I asked as Ruby turned her hand over to interlock her fingers with mine

Qrow sighed "Well she definitely painted a target on her back with what she did at Beacon. I told you having SIlver Eyes was a rare trait and the fact you are someone who was able to use them seems to have upset some very powerful people. Not many people know about the silver eyes but those who do aren't very happy when one has surfaced. That's why I've been keeping an eye on you. I wanted to make sure you were safe. All of you"

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