Part 12: Haven Academy

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I woke up with my face buried in Ruby's hair. I smiled and nuzzled her head "Why are you two always sleeping in such picturesque positions?" Yang asked leaning on the door frame of our room

I looked at her and blushed red then looked down at Ruby. Her arms were wrapped around my stomach with her face buried in my chest. I had my arm around her body and the other arm making a make shift pillow for her as our legs were locked together "Uhhhh I-I don't know"I said shyly while blushing

Yang laughed "Well we're heading out soon. You should wake her up" Yang said walking out

Once Yang was out of ear shot I whined softly. I didn't like waking Ruby up, she looks so cute and peaceful when she sleeps. I poked her cheeks "Ruby~ Time to wake up~" I said softly

"Mhmmm... Five more minutes" She whined rolling over

I wrapped my arms around her, holding her back to my chest "We have to meet Lionheart at Haven" I said but she wouldn't budge

"I tried to be peaceful about this" I smiled and started kissing the back of her neck

"Hey! that tickles" She giggles looking at me with her eyes now open

I smiled and kissed her softly "Come on, we have to go" I smiled

She sat up and stretched as we got ready. Once we finished getting dressed there was a knock at the door "Come in!" I said through the door

My dad walked in "Hey kiddo" he smiled

"Hey dad"

"I'm gonna have to head out now. I've gotta finish my mission then I can start getting info for Ozpin and you guys" he explained

I sighed disappointed and nodded "ok"

"Ay, I'm gonna be back. This isn't the last time you see me it's-" I interrupted

"It's see you later, not goodbye" I smiled

"You remember" he smiled and ruffled my hair "Exactly. See you later. And Ruby" he said as she looked at him "Take care of YN for me. He's a handful and he acts on instinct but he loves you" dad smiled at her

She blushed and nodded shyly "I will" she smiled

Dad gave a two finger salute to us before walking away

We were all walking in a line towards Haven Academy. I was beside Ruby and Maple was on my other side. We walked in to see Leo standing on what almost looked like a podium with a set of stairs going up each side "Why hello. Thank you for umm coming. There seems to be more of you then last time" Lionheart said looking nervous

Me and Maple shared a look of suspicion

"Well you know what they say 'The more the Merrier' So whats going on with the council?" Qrow asked

"Uhh... Why did you bring your weapons?" Lionheart asked

Me and Maple shared another look "Ears up" I whispered to her as she nodded using her enhanced Faunus hearing to be prepared in case anything weird is going on

"What? Leo. We're huntsman, you okay?" Qrow asked

"Of course, sorry. Just haven't had my evening tea" Lionheart smiled

"Look it's nice to see ya but we got work to do. Are we getting support from the council or not?" Qrow asked

"Mom?" Yang said as we all looked and a Raven descended from the rafters then flew by Lionheart turning into Yang's mother, Raven.

Qrow drew his weapon as we all looked at her "They... they really are magic" Nora said

Raven took off her Grimm mask to look at all of us. "If you're going to shoot me, shoot me. That was insulting" Raven said as she started walking down the stairs

Ruby Rose x Male Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now