Part 14: Jinn

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I groaned rubbing my neck with a shiver as I sat up "Is everyone alright?" I called

"Define Alright?" Yang called back standing up

"Not in 'literally about to die' danger?" I said standing up and dusting myself off

"Oh well if that's the case I'm peachy" Yang said sarcastically while stretching

I helped Ruby up "Still alive!" A voice came from inside the train car

We all looked to see an old lady with large metallic goggles emitting bright light "That sure was a close one huh?" She said as we all stared at her in confusion

Yang stormed over to Bumblebee annoyed as Oscar started helping the woman walk out of the train car "Great, this is just great. We're stranded, We lost a third of our party, and we've gained a defenseless old lady" Yang said pulling her motorcycle out of the snow but falling into the snow as Bumblebee did the same

"My name is Maria Caravera, and I am not defenseless. I'm just a little hard at hearing, and blind without my eyes... Which are in desperate need of repair... On second thought you might have a point" Maria rambled tapping her eyes

"Yang knock it off will ya? If we lose our cool now we'll just be inviting more Grimm" Qrow explained

"Does that even matter? Apparently we've been attracting Grimm since we left Haven" Blake defended Yang

"Oh and how could I forget about that? What happened to no more lies and half-truths?" Yang asked

"Oscar can you please get Ozpin out here" I sighed looked at him

Oscar nodded "Yeah, I think we deserve an explanation" He said as he shifted control to Ozpin

"It was not my intent to lie to any of you" Ozpin started to explain

"You got a real funny way of not lying to us Proffesor" I commented crossing my arms

Ruby placed her hand on my shoulder "Let him explain" She said softly

I looked at her and nodded with a small sigh

"Please now is not the time" Ozpin said gesturing towards us

"No we're past that! I wanna know why you aren't telling us everything" Yang said

Ozpin sighed again before taking his formal stance, where he clasps his arms behind his back "It is true that the Grimm are attracted to the relics, it's faint but undeniable. I believe it has something to do with their origin but I'm not entirely sure. Regardless, I feared that making you all aware would only add anxiety and negativity. It seemed like the safer option" Ozpin explained

"You know, I'm getting real tired of people choosing what's best for me" Weiss commented

"Is that why you chose to lie to everyone about Lionheart too?" Yang asked

"Yes as a matter of fact" Ozpin started pacing as he continued to explain himself "I believe the kingdom of Mystral deserved better than the truth. And I believed Leonardo deserved to be remembered for his years of service not the missteps he made in his later years"

"Missteps?!" Yang looked at Ozpin as we all started walking further from the train

"What Leonardo did was reprehensible, I am not here to argue differently. But does one lapse in judgement truly negate all of his good? Do we not all have regrets? You may have met Professor Lionheart, but you never met the man he was before Salem found him" Ozpin finished

"Look we're supposed to be in this together. You can trust us. We're not gonna turn our backs on you" Yang said before Ozpin spoke again

"Do you really think Leo was the first!? That he didn't say those exact words to me? I'm sorry but you have to understand my behaviour is backed by experience. I'm not saying that I have reasons to think you will betray me. I'm saying I have reasons for the things that I do, The secrets I keep, the reason I-" Ozpin suddenly stopped talking and looked at his belt then looked around "Where's the relic?"

"Right here" Ruby said softly as she took it off her belt "it got scattered in the crash"

Ozpin let out a small sigh of relief "Please. Hand it over" Ozpin said extending his hand

I looked at Ruby as she looked at me then Ozpin and held the relic a little closer "So all those times you talked about having faith in humanity, that was just for everyone else?" Ruby asked

Ozpin let out another sigh looking down "That's not what I meant to suggest. Miss Rose, the relic is a powerful item and I simply feel as its my burden to bear" Ozpin explained

"But you said it couldn't do anything right now" Ruby said

"Why does it matter who carries it, We all took on this burden when we decided to stay instead of getting out when you gave us a chance. It's not just yours anymore, like it or not" I said standing beside Ruby

"Please. I need you to listen to me" Ozpin said stepping forward and extending a hand before stopping abruptly in his tracks

"Oz?" Qrow asked confused

"Hurry... He's trying to stop you" Oscar explained holding Ozpin from moving

"Stop her from what?" Yang asked concerned

"He's afraid... You'll find out what he's...hiding" Oscar fell to his knees

"Her name is Jinn... Say her name to summon her" Oscar struggled to speak

"Her name?" Ruby looked at the relic rubbing her thumb against the side as the blue glow hummed softly "Jinn" she said everything around us stopped. The howling wind, the snow, everything

"What?" Qrow asked confused

We all looked around as Ruby let go of the relic as he started floating and emitting a blue mist. It flew behind us slowly and once it was far enough away the most grew. Out of the mist appeared a blue skinned mostly naked woman with dark blue hair and gold chains around her wrists and waist. We all stared in awe as she stretched with a soft groan then looked at all of us. "Wonderful. Tell me, what knowledge do you seek?" She asked leaning in with his chin in her hand

He all continued to look at her as she chuckled to herself "I am Jinn. A being created by the God of Light to aid humanity in its pursuit of knowledge. I've been graced with the ability to answer three questions every 100 years. You're in luck as I am still able to answer-" Jinn was cut off by Ozpin

"That's enough!" Even though Ozpin cut her off she still continued a few seconds later

"Two questions this era" Jinn said as everyone looked at Ozpin shocked

Honestly with everything we've learnt today it's not surprising that he hid this from us as well. Jinn chuckled to herself again "It's a pleasure to see you again, old man"

"Ruby please. Don't" Ozpin pleases

"Hey-" Qrow stepped towards us as Yang, Maple, Weiss, and Blake pointed their weapons at Qrow as I stepped a little closer to Ruby. Qrow raised his hands non threateningly "Do Whatever you think is right kiddo" Qrow said

Ruby thought for a second "Jinn?" She turned towards Jinn "What is Ozpin hiding from us?"

"No!" Ozpin yelled as he ran towards Ruby

I got in the way tried to tackle him before he disappeared. I looked around to see endless white with nobody around "Ruby!? Maple!?" I called receiving no answer

(AN: This was going to originally have the entire Salem Ozpin story explained by Jinn but it was getting close to 4000 words and that was just the stuff before Ozpin got his reincarnation thing so I'm gonna put that all in a separate chapter that people can skip if they want)

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