Part 19: The Truth

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Jaune slammed his fist into the wall in a fit of rage as he created a small cracked dent in the wall. "Jaune!" Ruby yelled while the rest of us calmly watched

"Everything we did was for nothing!" He said angrily while storming to Ren's side

"That's not true" Blake said trying to calm Jaune, Nora, and Ren down

"Really? Cuz it sure does sound like it?" Nora said exasperated with her head in her hands

"I, umm..." Blake's voice soon fell silent

"If Salem can't be killed, then how are we supposed to win this?" Ren asked

Him and Jaune looked around at all of us as we all stayed silent. "Wow. Great plan everyone" Jaune said annoyed

Oscar stepped further into the room "Look, none of this is great, we know. But we're not the bad guys here" Oscar said looking around the room

"Are you sure about that?" Jaune said with his back to Oscar

"What?" Oscar said

"He's in your head isn't he? Did you already know about this" Jaune said stepping closer to Oscar angrily

"He didn't know any of it!" Weiss said but was ignored by Jaune as he grabbed Oscar's shirt and pushed him against the wall near the stairs forcefully

"How much longer can we even trust him?!" Jaune said

"Jaune!" Yang yelled

"How do we even know it's really him?" Jaune said turning to Yang while still holding Oscar to the wall

I was leaning against the wall while this went on but pushed off the wall walking towards Jaune "What if we've been talking to that liar this whole time?" Jaune continued while shaking Oscar

I got in between the two and pushed Jaune away from Oscar as Ruby yelled "Jaune!"

Everyone stopped and looked at Ruby. Oscar held his hands up defensively while hanging his head down. I took my hand off of Jaune's chest and off of Oscar's but still stood between them. Jaune looked conflicted before just stomping up stairs and slamming the door to his room. I walked away from Oscar and further into the room as it was silent for a few seconds "Is he going to be ok?" Yang asked

"I don't know!" Nora yelled getting up and walking upstairs

"I think it would be best if we had sometime to ourselves" Ren said following after Nora.

Silence once again enveloped the room until Blake spoke "Maybe we could all use some space" she offered

We all thought about it for a while before each giving a soft nod. I looked over at Oscar as he was staring at the door with a mournful look. I walked back over to Oscar and placed a hand on his shoulder "None of this is your fault. He's just mad. And confused" I explained

He didn't respond as everyone went their separate ways including Oscar who held his head low in shame as he walked into a different room. I sighed walking into the kitchen and grabbed a glass to fill with water. I sat on the counter sipping my water and thinking about everything. Everything since our lives got confusing as hell. People not being who they claimed to be, People claiming they're people you don't know, These world ending responsibilities. Usually I'd talk to Ruby in situations where I'm thinking to much but we both need alone time to think. I felt a poke against my forehead as I was brought out of my thoughts by my sister "You had that look on your face of when you're thinking to much" Maple said sitting on the counter across from me

"Can you really blame me?" I asked looking at her

"Not really"

"Aren't you gonna spend this time to be alone and think?" I asked

Maple shrugged "No. This stuff doesn't effect me as much as you guys because I'm not as ingrained in the whole Ozpin thing. I'm still effected by it but. Well he wasn't my headmaster so I didn't know him personally" She explained as I nodded softly

"So think of me as your little sister therapist! How does this make you feel?" Maple joked smiling and holding an imaginary clipboard trying to joke around and lighten the mood

I stifled a laugh "This is serious Maple" I smiled at her

"I know" she hummed smiling

We stayed silent for a little longer. I both thought about everything with Oz but also Autumn is still picking away at my thoughts. Whatever her connection with Scarlet or dad was I just wish I knew it. I wish I could talk with dad but I have no idea where he is and the tower is still down anyway. "You're doing it again YN" Maple groaned

I rolled my eyes with a light smile. "Are you still thinking about everything Jaune said?" She asked

I shook my head "Then what's with the thinky face?"

I sighed and leaned against the wall behind me taking the final drink of my water before it was gone. "Something that happened at Haven"

"During the fight?" She asked

I nodded softly "That red haired girl. Autumn. She knew about us. Well not you and I but, us as in, our family. I don't know if she knows you but she knew me, she knew Scarlet, and she knew dad" I explained

She nodded with a soft hum "So why are you still thinking about it?" She asked

"Because she knew Scarlet and seemed to have some sort of destiny planned out for her. She didn't know that she... died though. Which is weird. It's just picking at my thoughts every now and again because I just wish I knew what she actually had planned. I don't even think I should be focusing on this right now. What with all the Salem and Oz news keeping us occupied" I explained falling into a small rant

Maple listened nodding softly as I went on "That seems a little weird I guess. If you think this is important, well. You've always been good at multi tasking. I know you can help everyone while still thinking about this. It might just take longer than you want to get your answers" She said

I sighed into my hands "I'm tired of searching for answers" I groaned softly rubbing the bridge of my nose

Maple tilted her head confused then nodded "I guess searching for me for 9 years would make you tired of searching" she hummed

I nodded softly and looked at her. She got of the counter she was on and sat beside me pulling me into a side hug with my head against her shoulder "Whatever you're looking for you'll find eventually" She said softly

We sat like this for a while, probably around 10 minutes in comfortable silence. Yang then walked in and looked at us "Hey" She said to get our attention as we looked at her separating from the hug

"What's up?" I asked

"Have either of you seen Oscar?" She asked as Weiss and Blake walked up behind her

"Not since the whole thing in the living room, why?"

"We can't find Oscar. I think he ran away or something" Yang explained

I nodded "We should go look for him" I said as we got off the counter walking towards Yang

She nodded and walked into the living room "Ruby!" She called

Ruby walked out of the backyard back into the room "Oh, hey guys"

Jaune, Ren, and Nora also walked into the room after hearing Yang's call for Ruby "What's going on?" Jaune asked

Blake looked down sadly "It's Oscar. He's missing" she explained

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