Part 22: Atlas

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"This is your fault! Your fault!" Cordovan yelled

We all watched as the mech struggled to stand as Cordovan yelled from inside it. We then turned our attention towards Argus and the sounds of ships flying, firing, and the roar of the leviathan. "Ruby!" Yang yelled from behind us

We turned to look at her and Blake running up towards us "Yang, Blake! Are you ok?" She said happily as they ran by her and looked at the mech

"What happened?" Blake asked

"Yeah a lot of stuff went down while you were-" I was interrupted by the roar of the leviathan

"Was that a giant Grimm?" Yang said looking at us

"Like YN was saying a lot of things have happened since you left. But to answer you question yes" Maple finished

"And we just ruined the only thing capable of stopping it" Weiss added

We all looked around at each other for a while "It's no use standing around here, let's get a move on" Maria said from inside the damaged airship

We nodded and started piling in "Are you sure this is still gonna be able to fly?" I asked Maria

Once I had finished my sentence the airship took of "Oh ye of little faith" Maria smiled at me

I rolled my eyes with a slight laugh and walked over to Ruby, who was sitting on the floor along the wall. I sat beside her sliding my hand into hers, not only to comfort her but so I would feel better about everything that's happened. She leaned on me softly as Maple sat beside me with a sigh. It was silent for awhile "I'm so sorry..." Blake said softly

We all looked at her "This is all my fault"

Yang placed her hand on Blake's "This isn't on you"

"I hate to be the brutally honest one but it depends on what kept her up" I said

"Adam somehow tracked her to Argus and attacked her before she could do her part" Yang explained

I blinked a few times "...That seems convenient. I'll give him one thing, he sure as hell is determined" I sighed "But that means it was out of your hands. You aren't to blame for this" I explained

Blake looked over at me, Maple, and Ruby "You're safe. That's all that matters" Ruby said with a smile

Blake smiled slightly and nodded wiping the few tears that had accumulated as Ruby walked over to her and hugged her softly. "I suppose I have to be the bad guy and say it." Maria said as we all turned and looked at her "Getting the lamp to Atlas is still our top priority. And right now we have the perfect opportunity to head straight for it. We may not get another chance like this" Maria explained

"So you're saying we should just leave Argus to deal with it?" I tilted my head looking at her

"Look, I'm not saying I like the idea but the lamp is our top priority" Maria said looking at all of us

"No" Ruby said, it was simple but commanding

Maria looked at her tilting her head "We're not leaving those innocent people. We're huntsmen and huntresses above all else, we are supposed to protect others even if it could kill us. That's what we do. We'll just have to find another opening later. After we've saved them" Ruby explained

Maria looked at the rest of us but we were all looking at Ruby and all gave her and nod. Ruby smiled as Maria nodded as well. "We need to head for the Leviathan. Jaune, can you and Ren be ready to mask our ship?" Ruby asked

They looked at each other and nodded "I think we can manage" Ren said

"Got any ideas?" Jaune asked

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