Part 21: The Plan

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Me, Ruby, Maple, Oscar, Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Qrow all made our way to the designated cliffside to wait for our other two groups to report back to us. Yang and Blake were set to knock out the signal tower while Weiss and Maria stole the Atlas airship under the guise that Weiss was going back to Atlas. I sat against a tree and watched the water as we waited. After several minutes of waiting. "That was close" We heard Weiss through our ear pieces

"Is everything okay?" Ruby asked

"We're onboard" Weiss informed

"Alright, We'll all watch our scrolls. The second Weiss is out of range of the Comm Tower that'll mean she's out of the range of the radar too. " Ruby said

We all nodded as I stood up stretching my arms "Now all that's left is for Blake to disable the Comm Tower and hopefully we'll be home free"

The rest nodded as we continued to wait. The longer we waited the more I found myself looking back at the Comm Tower. No word from Blake or Yang. I sighed and rubbed the back of my head as I looked at Ruby who was rubbing her hand nervously. I walked up to her and placed my hand on her shoulder "Everything will be fine" I said

She smiled and nodded. I don't know how much I believe in what I said to reassure her. Plans are bound to go awry but I still had hope everything would eventually be ok. Everything would be fine but not in the way Ruby's probably thinking. Ruby looked at her scroll and saw Weiss had gotten out of the range of the comms. "Alright guys, this is it. Blake you're up... Blake?" Ruby said looking panicked to the rest of us.

"Yang, what's going on?" Ruby asked

"I don't know" She said hesitantly

I sighed softly knowing atleast one thing was gonna go wrong "Ruby, we're in trouble. Cordo is onto us, and Maria isn't helping! Why is the radar still up?" Weiss asked

"We don't know. Blake isn't responding" Ruby responded

"What do we do?" Oscar asked

"Keep the ship in one piece" Yang said over the comms

"Maybe we should fly over to help Yang and Blake first?" Nora offered

"Damn It!" Qrow said punching his hand against the tree he was leaning on sending a small amount of snow onto the ground

"Cordo's gonna scramble her fighters. We've got maybe 90 seconds before they're in the air, and all over Weiss and Maria. This is all my fault" Qrow said

"What are you talking about? Your semblance?" Jaune asked

"Every choice I've ever made has led me here, and I've dragged you along with me. Oz myself the others. We're responsible fro the mess the world's in now. I shouldn't have come, shouldn't have let any of you come. What was I-" I decided to interrupt him

"I get your point but this really isn't what we need right now." I said as everyone looked at me confused, Qrow especially

"I get that you feel the most responsible but not everything is your fault Qrow. May I remind you that we also made a series of choices to follow this path. We are in this terrible situation together and panicking at the first sign of our plan messing up is not what we need. If I'm being honest I expected it to fail at some point"

"What?" Ruby looked at me

"Ruby how many of our plans at Beacon were a complete success?" I asked honestly

She frowned softly and couldn't come up with an answer. I looked at everyone "We learnt multiple times no plan actually survives contact with the enemy. The best thing we can do is adapt and improvise what comes next because what we had doesn't work anymore" I looked at Ruby again "It's worked for us before" I smiled slightly

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