Part 20: Oscar

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"Oscar!" Ruby called

Me, Maple, the rest of Team RWBY, and Maria were all scouring the streets in search of Oscar. "Maybe it'd be faster if we split up" I suggested looking at the group

"We would cover more ground that way" Weiss added

The rest nodded "Alright. We'll all meet back at the house" Ruby said as we nodded

We all went in different directions to search for Oscar "Call me if you get into trouble" I said to Maple before we separated

"I'll be fine, who do you think I am?"

"My sister, who has a knack for getting into things I have to get her out of"

Maple rolled her eyes with a smile and stuck her tongue out jokingly at me as we departed

I wandered with my hands in my hoodie pockets searching the streets, calling his name, and peering through windows trying to spot him. While searching I found a different but equally familiar face. A more gruff face slouched in his seat sitting alone at a table. I looked up at the sign above the door to the building "The Drunkard's Blessing: Bar & Inn... Of course Qrow would be here"

I rolled my eyes before entering. I scanned over the people here before taking a seat in front of Qrow. He looked to already be quite a few drinks in as he looked at me "Don't think they let kids in here Half pint. You should leave" he said taking a swig of his current drink

"Do they judge by age or attitude?" I asked

He looked at me confused "What? Why does it matter?"

"Because if it's by attitude you shouldn't be here either"

He glared at me and finished his drink "What do you want YN?"

I sighed "Sorry, that was dickish" I said quietly

Qrow sighed but didn't say anything more. I don't know if he actually took my small apology "But honestly, why are you here?"

"Well we're all out looking for Oscar and I stumbled across you, I wanted to see how you were holding up" I stated

He sighed "I'm just fine" he said as he signalled the bar for another drink

"You don't look fine to me Qrow" I said crossing my arms and resting them on the table while resting my chin on my arms

"Well how do you think I should look?" He asked with a slight scowl

"Well... Lets put it this way. The first time I met you, you saved me from dying in a ditch just because you could. The second time I met you is probably one of the happiest points I've seen Ruby. Or you for that matter. She was so excited to see you again" I smiled as Qrow held a slight smile recalling the day "But now, I've actually seen her get angry with you. I've actually seen her get angry in general. From my perspective, you don't look like the hero Ruby told me countless stories about. Even though I know you can be" I explained further

"That was all before I had to start juggling the fate of the world on my ass!" He said annoyed as the drink was brought to the table

I simple nodded as he continued "That was before we learnt everything about the Maidens, and Salem, and the relics, and Ozpin, and before I had to start takings care of this whole group" Qrow ranted taking a swig of his drink to stop and calm himself down

I hummed "You know, you and Ruby are even more alike then I thought" I chuckled softly

He looked at me "And what's that supposed to mean exactly?"

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