Part 17: The Apathy

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We had all eaten and explored the house. All that was left now was just waiting for the storm to pass. I was sitting with Ruby on the stairs as she looked towards the shattered moon. We peeked into the living room to see Yang, Weiss, Blake, and Maple all staring at the fire as Maria read her book and Oscar paced behind her. Ruby looked over at Qrow as he had set up a chair in the corner with a bottle of whatever alcohol he could find. I'm glad he still doesn't know about the bar in the basement or this would be even more of a shit show. "I'm gonna go talk to him" Ruby sighed looking down and playing with my hand nervously

I nodded and kissed her head softly to reassure her. She smiled softly at me as she stood up and walked to Qrow. As she did I got up and walked into the living room, taking a seat beside my sister "How are you holding up?" I asked her quietly

She just sighed and rubbed her face "That bad, huh?" I rubbed her shoulder

"I just want to get out of her and get this mission over with" Maple said with a slight groan

I nodded as there were a few seconds of silence "Hey YN?" Maple said quietly so the others wouldn't hear, even though I doubt they were paying much attention

"Yeah?" I asked looking at her

"Do you know why we're still going to Atlas?" she asked shyly

I tilted my head "We still have the relic"

"But I mean... We could just hide it somewhere else. Everyone else seems to be on board. Everyone except you and Ruby. You know Salem can't be killed right?... I guess I just don't know what we're doing anymore" Maple explained trying to find the best way to phrase her thoughts

I tried to think of what our plan was but couldn't think of one. I've kind of just been following Ruby's judgement for a while. Instead of responding I just stayed silent staring down slightly and eventually she nodded and looked back to the fire.

"Hey guys" Ruby said walking in "Qrow said we should get some sleep we'll head out tomorrow"

"Thank goodness" Blake sighed as we all stood up

Maria got up from her chair and walked to another chair across the room "The last thing you'll catch me doing is letting some kid tell me what to do 'Go to Bed!'"Maria said in a mocking voice turning on the nearby lamp as Ruby shrugged and I laughed

I smiled at Ruby as Oscar handed blankets out to everyone. Me and Ruby set ours up in the center as she rested against my chest and I used my arm as an armrest for my head and Ruby's as we fell asleep.

Ruby sat up with a scream looking around. I wrapped my arms around her waist "It's ok Rubes, Go back to sleep" I said tiredly

"I'll be back" She said softly

"Alright. I love you" I said to tired to argue and just curled up in the blanket again.

Ruby opened the blinds and I hid under the blanket. I felt like I was falling back to sleep until I heard the sound of shattering glass in the hallway. I sat up and rubbed my eyes then got up and walked into the hallway to see Ruby hugging Qrow. They separated from the hug as he walked outside and Ruby walked into the living room "Can you help me wake them up?" She asked and I nodded tiredly

We woke everyone up despite their objections to do so. We all walked out as Weiss welded the connector for the cart Yang and Blake had found to bumblebee. "There" Weiss sighed

"Can we just go back to bed?" Oscar asked

"If we're all so tired maybe we should make some breakfast?" Blake offered

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