Only in My Dreams (Chapter 4)

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Ok guys here is the next chapter! It's not as long as the first ones but I'm getting tired and all my brain would come up with now but ejoy and please vote and/or comment and let me know what you think!!!


Chapter 4

The next day of school passed in a blur. After school I waited with Ben hoping to see Kyle and apologize for the way I acted yesterday but it was Ben's grandmother that picked him up. Maybe later on in the evening I would swing by the bar to see if he would be there with Jaime.

Before leaving school for the day, Katherine stops me before she left for the evening.

"Hey Amy, do you have anything planned for this weekend?" Katherine asked with a slight smile on her face.

"Not that I can think of. What's going on?" I questioned right back.

"Well, John is going fishing for part of the day Saturday and when he gets back we were thinking about having a barbeque. You should come. It will be just us so it won't be anything big." Katherine explains; the look on her face told me that she was up to something.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun. Do I need to bring anything?" I could bring some potato salad I think to myself.

"Nope, you just bring yourself! I'll take care of all the food and I'll let you know Friday what time you need to be there. I got to go. We are heading over to John's mothers for dinner tonight." Katherine said her goodbyes then walks out to her car to leave.

I head to my room to go ahead and set up the activities that we will be doing tomorrow. I work as fast as I can so I could so I could swing by the bar on my way home.

Last night I didn't get any sleep thinking about Kyle and what I should do about that whole situation. I was still confused about a lot of things. Momma reassured me that Kyle was a good man and wasn't Stephen but I heard the same thing about Stephen; about him being a good man.

Stephen and I met my senior year at college. He was unlike any man I had met. He was funny, charismatic and full of life. Stephen was definitely the life of any party. We got married a year after college when I was twenty-three and that's where things took a turn for the worse. After that, Stephen wasn't the same man that I first fell in love with.

After getting lost in my thoughts, I glance at the clock on the wall. It was almost six o'clock now. I had been completely out of it for over two hours but that's how I was when I thought about the past. I would lose myself to the memories of my past. I finish up setting everything up then gather my stuff to leave.

Making my way through town, I drive by Joe's to see if Kyle is there and he is. I pull in the parking lot and make my way into the bar. I can see him and Jamie sitting in the same spot they were sitting in the first night I came here. I step up to the bar next to Kyle and order a Jack-n-Coke. I have a feeling that I will definitely need it in a minute...


After a day of speeding tickets, a few domestic disputes and a kid that decided to shop lift from the dollar store, I decided to meet Jaime for a beer. Ben was staying with my mother again but I promised him I would take him to school in the morning. I went to check on him after I finished my evening patrol and he had to tell me all about how he was Amy's helper again today. He really liked Amy as his teacher. Every time I would call her by her first name, Ben would tell me that I wasn't supposed to call her by that name.

"Her name is Ms. Morgan dad." Ben would say, getting very serious with me.

When Ben finished telling me about his day, he turned to me with a serious look on his face and started to have a conversation with me that no six year old should even think about having.

"Dad, do you think Ms. Morgan is pretty?" He asked; thank god mom was outside for this.

"I do but please don't let her know I said that. That wouldn't be very inappropriate." I explained.

"Do you think she is prettier than mom was?" Now I didn't expect that question but kids will always keep you on your toes.

"Well, let's just say that they are both pretty in their own way. What made you even thing about this Ben?" I questioned wondering where he got the idea from.

"Well, I really like Ms. Morgan. She is awesome! Don't you think so?" He asked smiling from ear to ear.

"Yeah I guess you could say that. Why are we having this conversation anyway buddy?" Now he's really got me wondering what's going on in his little head.

"No reason. I was just wondering." He stated then ran off to play.

It's amazing what kids can come up with. I wonder why he thought of those questions. Could Amy have asked him about me today? That wouldn't be too professional of her if she did but I wouldn't complain either. I had finally made it to the bar a little before six so I could kill an hour or two here with Jaime.

I downed my first beer while telling Jaime about the kid that I busted this afternoon for shoplifting.

"The kid couldn't be no more than thirteen. Why he would want to steal a few candy bars I have no clue." I explain.

"Did the manager press charges on him?" He asked.

"No, once I showed up, you could tell the poor kid was scared out of his mind. I don't think he will be doing it again anytime soon." I say finishing my beer and order another.

I noticed that Jaime was looking in my direction for someone reason so I turn my head to see what he was looking at and coming face to face with Amy. Jesus, why is it every time I see her, my brain acts like it totally shuts down. She ordered her usual drink of choice and sat down on a bar stool next to me.

"Hey Jaime; are you doing okay this evening?" She asked avoiding my eye contact.

"Not too bad. How are you?" He asked her looking between the two of us.

"I'm just fine. Kyle, can I talk to you for a minute in private?" Now she makes eye contact with me.

"Uh, sure! Let's go find a table with a little privacy." I say; letting her lead the way.

"I'll catch you guys later. Think I'm going to call it a night." Jaime states getting up with us and wagging his eye brows at me when Amy turned her back.

I let Amy pick a table for us to sit at. I'm sure she knows like I do that a little privacy won't help, people will still talk. I pull out her chair for her to sit down before seating myself and wait for her to start the conversation. I've learned that when a woman asked to talk to you in private that you need to let her do all the talking.

Amy looks at me, opens her mouth then closes it a few times; looking unsure of what she wants to say. Hell, she could tell me about cleaning dryer lint out of the dryer and I would listen to her. Finally, after a moment of debate with herself she finally starts the conversation off.

"Kyle, I wanted to apologize for the way I acted yesterday. It was rude and I'm sorry. You just caught me off guard." She explained; trying to appear to have a strong appearance.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize but I would like to know one thing. Did I do anything wrong?" I asked because that had been one of the main things that

I was worried about.

"No you didn't. Like I said, you just caught me off guard. I've been thinking. Instead of wanting to go out on dates why don't we try to get to know each other first as friends and see where that takes us? How does that sound?" She asked with a hopeful look in her eye.

I could definitely do the friend thing. Now sitting here thinking about it, I really don't know why I asked her out to begin with. It wasn't like I knew her that well. She was still very mysterious to me but maybe being her friend would shed a little bit of light on what she was hiding and why...


Sorry for any grammatical errors. I didn't really proof-read before I went to bed. Stay tuned in for the next chapter coming up soon!!!

Only in my Dreams (Book 1 of the Men with a Badge series)Where stories live. Discover now