Only in my Dreams (Chapter 10)

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Ok guys, here is the next chapter but I must warn some of you guys about this one. This chapter has some sexual content so if you have sensitive eyes, then don't read! Please enjoy and let me know what you think!!!!


Chapter 10

I look over at the driver’s seat to where Kyle is sitting. Before leaving the house, he told me to change into something comfortable so I’m sitting here in a pair of shorts and an old college t-shirt with also a pair of flip flops. He wouldn’t tell me where we were heading, only that he needed to make a stop first. Pulling into a familiar neighborhood, I start to feel a little too underdressed to go into his mother’s house.

“Kyle, I’m not really dressed appropriately to see your mother.” I say looking over at him.

“Trust me, you look fine but you are going to sit right here while I run inside real quick. I won’t be but just a minute.”

Before getting out of the truck, Kyle leans over to kiss me on the cheek causing that all too familiar blush to coat my cheeks. I smile at the gesture. I don’t know what it is about this man but he is starting to worm his way into a part of me that I thought I lost a year ago.

A few moments later, Kyle comes bouncing back to the truck with a basket in one hand and a blanket tucked underneath his arm. So he has a picnic planned. A smile crosses by face again. Yep, I’m definitely falling for this man.

“So I take it we are going on a picnic?” I ask as Kyle gets in the truck.

“Yeah, I figured we needed to get out of the house for a little bit. I just hope it doesn’t rain.” Kyle looks up at the sky before backing out of the driveway.

“Where are we going to have this picnic?” I look over to see a smile slowly spread over his face.

“That ma’am, is a surprise, but I have a feeling you will love it.”

I remain silent the rest of the way; getting lost in my thoughts. Why couldn’t I have met this man before I left for college, I think to myself? And why does he have to see too good to be true?...


Oh god, why did Amy have to wear those damn shorts? Can’t she see that she is starting to be my weakness and right now all I can think about is those legs wrapped around me while I’m deep inside her? I look over slightly in her direction and notice she is deep in thought while staring out the window. I can’t take the silence any longer so I decide to break it.

“You know if you wear those shorts again, they just may get you into trouble.” Apparently my filter between my mouth and brain decided to quit working.

“What do you mean?” Amy asks, turning her head to look at me.

“If someone was to see you in them I might have to hurt someone for staring.” I say giving her a pointed look.

“I highly doubt that. Who would want to stare at me anyway?” She is actually serious.

“You really don’t realize how beautiful you are, do you?”

She looks like she’s about to say something but decides not to.

“What is it? Amy talk to me, please. I don’t know what’s going on in that brain of yours unless you share with the rest of the class.” I say trying to lighten the mood.

Amy giggles a little then decides to open up.

“No one has called me beautiful and actually meant it and definitely no one has been as nice to me as you have. Sometimes I feel like you are too good to be true. After all that has happened, I figured I would someday meet someone like you but only in my dreams.” Amy states.

Only in my Dreams (Book 1 of the Men with a Badge series)Where stories live. Discover now