Only in my Dreams (Chapter 13)

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Just want to thank you guys as usual for keeping up with the story and all the votes so far! I'll shut up now so you can read the next chapter. Enjoy!


Chapter 13

After making an ass out of myself and causing Amy to leave, I pace the house waiting for her to walk back through the door but she never does. I glance at the clock and notice it's twelve-thirty. I grab my keys and head out the door. I may not be able to protect her like I want now but I could at least watch John and Katherine's house from the street.

I make my way over there and park across the street. All the lights are off so they must be asleep by now. I sit there with my eyes trained on the house while kicking myself in the ass for saying the shit I said to her. No, I really didn't think she would go back to that bastard. I knew she didn't want to live through that kind of hell again but I couldn't stop myself from saying it.

An outside light flickers on, catching my attention. John steps out the door and heads straight for my truck while carrying something in his hands. I hit the unlock button and he climbs into the passenger seat. He hands me a cup of coffee before starting a conversation.

"I knew you would show up." John says.

"I screwed up big time." I say then take a sip of coffee.

"She told me what you said. Please tell me you didn't mean it, man." He looks over at me and waits for a response.

"No, I didn't mean it. I don't even know why I said it. I take that back. I do know why I said it, because I'm an idiot." I explain.

Silence fell upon us in the truck. I look back at the house wishing I was in there right now and Amy was safe in my arms.

"I've got a question for you. I know you love her but after all this is over with, where are things between you two going to lead?"

I look at John shocked. Yes, we are friends, good friends but we've never talked like this before.

"John, I've got it bad for that girl. She's my everything now. I can't lose her."

John nods and I continue.

"I want to marry her when the time is right, but after all this shit is over with, I know she's going to need some time. I'll give her all the time she needs and I will be there waiting."

I feel like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders by confessing that even if it was to John. I look over to John who is staring at me with a conflicting look.

"Spill it John, what's going on?"

"I shouldn't be the one to tell you this." John states.

"Is Amy okay?" I start to get a little worried.

"Kyle, Amy is pregnant. She took a pregnancy test tonight. Katherine is going to take her to the clinic in Knoxville tomorrow."

Time seems to stop as John's words sink in. Amy's pregnant. I sit there in a shocked haze. Thinking back I never once asked her if she was on any kind of contraceptive and we never once used a condom.

"You sure she read the test right?" I ask staring straight ahead.

"Katherine said she took two and they both said she was."

Amy is pregnant with my child. That's the only thing that keeps running through my mind. My angel is caring a part of me inside her. All of a sudden my phone rings bringing me out of my thoughts. Looking at the phone, I see it is Jaime.

Only in my Dreams (Book 1 of the Men with a Badge series)Where stories live. Discover now