Only in my Dreams (Chapter 5)

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Sorry it took me so long to post. Trying to take my time instead of rushing through writing but you guys enjoy!!!


Chapter 5

The rest of the week passed without fail. Kyle had agreed to be just friends. Every morning, he would escort Ben to class and every afternoon Ben would ask me to sit with him until Kyle could pick him up.

Friday afternoon Katherine finally told me what time to be at her house for the barbeque.

"Just be there around three." She stated while walking out the door.

So now it's Saturday and I'm in the process of getting ready. After relaying my plans to my mother, she had a look of relief cross her face. I can tell she's happy that I'm getting back to my old self, the sociable Amy that used to be her daughter.

I dress myself in a pair of capris, a tank top, and a light jacket to cover my arms. I grab a pair of flip flops out of my closet, and then finally make my way down the stairs. I say goodbye to momma then head out to my car.

Katherine's house, like everything else, isn't that far away. It only takes me about ten minutes and right when I pull in the driveway a familiar explore catches my eye. So that's what she's been up to, I think to myself.

Before I can even get out of the car, Katherine comes rushing out of the house with a huge smile on her face.

"Please don't kill me yet! Wait until the end of the evening and if you don't have fun, then you can kill me!" She exclaims dragging me inside.

"Oh you are going to pay, BIG TIME, for this!" I shoot right back at her.

Katherine ushers me into the kitchen but there is no sign of Kyle or John for that matter. Kyle must be John's fishing partner, I think to myself.

"The boys should be here shortly. You want something to drink?" Katherine asks.

"No I'm okay right now." I say still trying to be mad at her but failing.

Katherine makes herself a drink then suggests we sit outside on the deck, so we make our way outside.

"Before you get on Kyle about all this, just know it wasn't his idea about the barbeque. I was the one that planned it." She explains but I already figured that out.

"Yeah I know but you could have just told me." I state.

"I was afraid if I told you then you wouldn't show up. Kyle is a good guy, just give him a chance. You never know, he may be your soul mate!"

I don't believe in soul mates. I really want to be that girl that believes in happily ever after's, but I can't and I won't...


John and I really didn't do a whole lot of talking on our fishing trip until on the way home. I mostly just thought about Amy and what she's trying to hide.

"So you are really into Amy, I see." John states while shooting a glance in my direction.

"I don't know what it is about her but she's done something to me." I explain.

"I haven't seen you look like this since Julie man." John declares.

I don't respond back. The truth is I don't like to talk about Julie. I still think about her from time to time and most likely always will.

We finally arrive at John's and I see an Accord sitting behind Katherine's car. Hopefully it is Amy's, I silently pray to myself. When we get out of the truck, we can hear laughter coming from the backyard. I automatically head in that direction.

Only in my Dreams (Book 1 of the Men with a Badge series)Where stories live. Discover now