Class 2

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     This is the second part to Class if you can not find the first part here is my home page to my profile you can find it their its simply named  "Class"

So Eddie has a pact i am a werewolf and im a leader of a pact well, i might be and im a warrior wolf? This is to much to take oh did i also tell you i have a mate and we mated only 5 hours ago? No? Well i just did and now here i am talking to Deena Seth's Grandma about what we are going to do.

  "How do you know hes coming in the first place?"

     "We had one of us stay in Texas to keep an eye on them and if they moved to ward the air port or started packing cases our person called u. He confirmed that they are getting ready to come here. It will talk them two weeks to even find this place is perty well hidden so we are safe for the next month. That gives us enough time to see if your....."

    "If im what?"

  I stand up in front of of Deena and Seth get up and wraps his arms around my stomach


  "I forgot about that....."

Tears fall down my face and Seth turns me around

   "Why are you crying? Do you not want this? You dont want to be a momma to our pups?"

 I shake my head no but not to that.

   "You should have told my Lyla."

 I can feel the hurt in his heart and it makes me cry even more, I laugh a little and look at Seth. He looks at me like im crazy.

   "Seth i want to have you pupps im happy because i might be pregnant i couldn't think of a better way to start our life's together."

  He kisses my for head "Oh god you scared me."

  The smile on his face is so big god i hope i am pregnant i love kids. Deena get up and leaves the room with a smile. I stand their in his warm embrace.

  "Im hungry..."

  "Lyla your always hungry."

 We both laugh as all the boys come in i feel so much love here i feel like im wanted. This is a real family the kind i always wanted. The kind i always needed......





   Eddie POV

 "Dad i failed you i am sorry."

   "You didn't fail me you failed everybody you failed YOUR pact we needed her and you couldn't keep her happy so she ran away. You are a disgrace to you own pact. We aregoin to find her and make this right and you are goin to treat her like a queen do you under stand!?"

   "She didnt want me she doesn't love me any more i have nothing to do with it she just feel out of love."

  "NO she fell out of love with you because you BEAT her!!! A man does not beat the woman he loves."

   I stayed silent that bitch ruined everything she is mine and i will have her back. She could be my mate she has to i didnt waist these year for her not t be. Dad says theirs suppose to be a pull to your mate, i never had that pull to her though. I want to let her go but i cant because my dad wont let me.

   I dont want her anyways she is a waist of time. i have anger issues but hey what wolf doesn't i guess i just dont know how to control it.





    Lyla POV

  Its been two weeks and im starting to believe i am pregnant my back is hurting and im hungry all the time i cant transform these are all signs that im pregnant as a shape shifter. I wonder how my parent are going to react to me being pregnant. I know my dad will be super happy but i dont know about my mom she was the one that was kind of pushing me toward Eddie. For me my mom doesn't exist to me anymore. But my dad is my everything i know i can always trust him. I hope Seth will be a good daddy i love Seth with every fiber of my being and im not leaving him not for anything.

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