Class 2

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  So its 10 am and i need to go the the restroom iv been holding it because Seth fell asleep on my tummy talking to the Babbie's. He was even talking to them when i was asleep i could tell by the feelings the two little ones where giving off, But i had a bad dream too.

   I had a dream that Eddie and his dad found us and he tried to take me away from Seth and when Eddie found out i was pregnant he punched me so hard i started bleeding and i lost the Babbie's. Just the thought of its is making me tear up a bit. Seth jumped up quickly and looked at me, he sees my tears.

   "Baby, Whats wrong?"

  "I had a bad dream and i was thinking about it and i got sad."

     "Sad or scared?"


  "What was it about?"

 I take a deep breath and try to be strong to tell him without breaking down in tears,

  "I had a dream the Eddie found us and tried to take me away and when he got close enough he found out i was pregnant and punched my stomach so hard i started bleeding and i lost the Babbie's."

  He hugs me tightly i can feel the worry in him but hes bottling it up, He kisses my forehead

    "Ill protect you with my life and so are all the boys, you have nothing to worry about."

  "Then why are you?"

At that i got up and went to use the rest room, Theirs some things i don't like, being fill with false hope or lies if your going to tell me something mean it and have not doubt in your words especially if their being said to me. I blocked out his feeling and the Babbie's am i just being hormonal? I come out and Seth is standing right in front of the door his head down I start to walk around him but he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me back and picks me up in the air hugging me. I wrap my arms around his neck tightly.

  "I'm sorry Lyla, i am worried but only for me not to do a good job on protecting yall" He stets me on my feet and get on his knees and kisses my tummy,

 "You and the Babbie's, I need both of y'all to stay and be safe."

 "Just don't lie or hide how your feeling Seth, Im a big girl okay."

 He gets to his feet,

 "Okay baby im sorry."

He kisses my lips  softy his hand graces my mark and my knees buckle under me, he catches me and lays me on the bed i cant take this i need him i want him and im going to have him!!! I push his boxers off his face goes from shock to excited and boy i could feel it too ..... on my thigh. I feel him rip off my bottoms his member asking for access. He put my leg higher and enter me slowly my back arches as an explosion sets off in my core. Hes slow and calm i feel his eyes on my face my eyes closed feeling him in me. God their is no way their is a better feeling than him in me. His name slips out of my mouth as he pulses in an out of me his arms around my back letting him have a better grip on me makes a new set of ecstasy explode in me as he got deeper. Both of our breathing heavy and fast. Iv never felt so much passion in my life before. This is so beautiful I can literally feel the love he has for me as we make love. We both hit our climax, He pulls me on his chest and holds me tightly to him.

  "I love you."

 I kiss his beautiful shaped lips and smile, "I love you too."




   Down stairs me and Seth hear yelling and commotion we get dressed and run down stairs and find Alex and Drake fighting literally fighting Alex has a bloody nose and Drake has a bloody lip.

I Hardly Needed Saving 2 ***Completed ****Where stories live. Discover now