Class 2

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  You know if i said i wasn't scared id be lying. I'm scared I'm so scared of what can happen scared that my dreams will come true well the bad ones about Eddie. I don't want to lose my Babbie's and i don't want to lose Seth. I don't want to lose any of the boys. This is all happening because of me if Seth hadn't have had me for class i dont think we would have ever met but then again theirs the pull and boy did we have it. If Seth never came around i would probably still be with Eddie and i would be forced to be with him only because he would be the only on i know of my kind and id be scared that i wouldn't be able to find anybody who would want to be with a werewolf but you know what?

   Me and Seth found each other and now that we did nothings going to take us apart from each other nothing. Nobodies going to touch me Seth or our Babbie's. Nothings going to harm my new family.

  We haven't heard from our guy in Texas in a while and i don't take that as a good sign even Myra is worried but i have to be strong and think positive. I think to much while I'm in the bathtub i think I'm going to start taking showers again. I get up and put the robe on and walk in the room Seth is on the bed with his laptop listing to Pandora radio Listominia by Phoenix is playing and i start singing it loudly not caring how bad i sound i drop my robe and start putting on my pajama pants and pajama shirt. I feel his intense eyes on me and a sudden wave of want crashes over me. I turn to look at him he has the craziest look on him its sexy and it looks like hes craving me.


 "You just got dressed in front of me."

Oh my god i did!!! Iv never done that i must be getting comfortable around him because that is a big step for me. I feel my blush rush across my face as he walks toward me his hands on my hipbones he grips them tightly making me weak he lifts my shirt a little and kisses my tummy and smiles. Hes so cute hes going to be a great dad. My tummy growls are you serious i just ate!!!!

   "This is getting ridiculous i just ate and their hungry like really?"

 "Lets go get you some food."

   "No I'm going to get fat."

 "No your not baby they need more food than regular Babbie's and so do you what do you think your mom and dad kept you food stacked?"

  "True.... I never noticed how much more i ate than regular people."

 I walk with him down to the kitchen as he fixes me a sandwich with ham cheese and mustard he even remembers to cute off the crust hes perfect i swear. I sit on the counter and he hands me the sandwich and grabs himself a bowl of green grapes an opens my legs getting between them his back to me. I chomp the sandwich with 4 bites its gone, I look down at his grapes gaaa I'm still hungry. I grab his blow of grapes and slide quickly to the other side get off and run to our room.

  "Those are mines!!!"

 "Not any more!!"

 We race to the bedroom and i eat them as i run i get to the room and jump on the bed and eat them till he comes in. I put a sweet smile on my face god they were yummy and the Babbie's really like them! I stand up and point at my tummy

 "They wanted them its all their fault."

 "Don't blame them it was all you."

 We both laugh and he rubs my tummy.

  "So do i have like 9 month till birth or is it different?"

 He stays quiet oh no this cant be good.

 "You umm... It only takes 3 months and you almost don't with you second month..... So you have 3 weeks left and you are going to blow up QUICK!"


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