Class ( I hardly need saving.)

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   I start making something i can hold the Babbie's in and make sure it Will hold the safe and secure and transform to see if it would fit around my neck an Myra tells me it shall work. The door bust open and i jump trying to hide the thing i made. I turn to the person which is Jesse and cover myself with a robe i found and grabbed the Babbie's and started changing them slowly so he would leave.

   "What are you doing?"

  "Nothing much."

 He nods his head and walks out closing the door behind him my heart starts to race fuck i hope he doesn't know we are going to have to delay this for a day. I go to taste the food and wait for Myra to tell me if its safe.

  "Its safe."

 Thank god!! i chow down on the food its Turkey and mashed potato's with gravy but for a wolf portion which is like 3 plats size of a human portion. I swear I'm not even tasting it im just swallowing it. I know the Babbie's can feel my excitement of food it embarrassing i look like a fatty but i haven't eating in 3 days so come on don't bash me. After I'm done eating i feed the Babbie's and start rocking them to sleep, The door opens and Jesse walks in and sits on the bed next to me as i rock Jesse and Luna to sleep.

   "You need some help?"


  "I'm not going to hurt them that's against wolfs laws the most epic one."

   I take a deep breathe and with shaky hands i give David to Jesse and watch him intently  David stops crying i smile as i see David calm down Luna falls asleep right after i go and put Luna down and the Jesse puts David down to bed. I tuck them in and look at Jesse,

   "They are so cute. I cant wait to have Babbie's with my mate."

  "How long have y'all too been mated?"

 "Awhile but we have been trying but she can conceive."

    "Why is that?"

  "We don't know we have talked to the doctors but they don't know either. We got lucky one time but she had gotten stillborn the Babbie was dead she came out."

  I look at him face and Myra whispers "how sad" i cant help but feel sorry for him.

 "I'm sorry."

   He nods i can see tears in his eyes he gets up and leaves the room You know for a "Pact leader" he sure does suck at being a "Leader." i sigh and remind myself that if Deena makes me pact leader to never let everyone tell me what to do. I believe now that i am strong enough to lead and im going to prove it by escaping this shit hole.

  I head for bed and let the cloud of darkness take over me and the i dream of Seth. I miss him so much.





   When i wake up its dark and storming outside its the perfect day to escape forget waiting now is the time. Its really early around 5 in the morning i think mostly every body is asleep. I out the Babbie's in the two sided sack i made and put it on the floor making sure they are safe and secure i transform and slip the sack on my neck and put the wrap in my mouth so it will stay still and made it toward it was like a shirt. I don't want them moving to much since im goin to be running. I open the door and sneek around the corners and down the stairs. My heart starts beating quick as i hear two huffing behind me. Shit....

  A big wolf snaps at my neck and i move fast and he misses me by a hair i jump on a near by table and on to a counter and run fast toward the door and another one pops up right in front of the door. My heart breaks and i know im not getting out i hear myself crying as a wolf fuck i hate this!!!! I just want my mate!!! I want my family i wanna leave!!! I hang my head down in defeat, i feel the wolf in front of lift my head and realize its Jesse's wolf the other wolf behind me  is a female im guessing his mate. They each stay by my side i guess their going to help me.

I Hardly Needed Saving 2 ***Completed ****Where stories live. Discover now