Class 2

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  We all get to the restaurant and the waiters have to pull 6 tables together so we could all be with each other Seth and i sit across from each other holding hands

    "Can i get our drinks?"

  A Guy comes up to Seth and i

   "Can i get a Sweet tea?"

 "And for the beautiful girl?"

    Everybody head whipped toward us... Shit. I can see Seth is trying hard to keep his anger in control.

  "She will have a peach tea."

      I could hear the growl in his voice and so does the guy but he doesn't back off. As he walks off to get our drinks he rubs my shoulder before leaving. Seth is shaking like crazy

   "Alex trade me places please."

  Seth let go of my hand so i could go sit next to him, I rest my head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek and hold him tightly

   "Baby its okay just breath, Ill sit here and you can show me off to him."

 "Like Eddie use to do yea no im not like that."

    I stayed quiet and backed off i felt a stab to my heart and all i wanted to do was run to the bathroom and cry. I kept my head down and bit my lip letting go of his hand. I breath deeply trying not to let a tear escape from my eyes.

   "Lyla are you okay?" Alex asks. I nodd my head keeping my head down i feel a tear fall and hit my hand Dammit. The waiter comes back and gives Seth his drink and looks for me and get between Seth and i to give me my drink His body brushes mine ni get sick to my stomach. O get up and run to the restroom. I breath deeply trying to keep everything down and in my stomach. I rub my stomach and look down at it.

  "What are y'all doing in their huh? Making mommy sick."

The feeling stoped as if they heard me i smiled as i felt an overwhelming feeling of love. Its like they can feel what i feel and what their daddy feels. I can do this just go back out their act like nothing happen and be happy. I walk back to the table and sit next to Seth he doesn't look at me i grab his face and kiss him deeply filling his body with happiness i feel him smiling as i kiss him and i smile too as he gives me happiness in return. I pull away and rest my forehead on his we both look into each others eyes and smile.

   "I love you Seth.

  "And i love you Lyla."

    I give him a quick peck and look at the menu holding his hand wen i look up i see our waiter with a shocked look on his face.

   "Can i help you? Do you have a starring problem?"

 He clears his throat, "Umm no no. Can i get your order?"

   "No we are not ready."

 The waiter walks off steaming mad and hurt i laugh and look at Seth and his beautiful smile and kiss his cheek. Seth and i both look at Alex and hes starring at a waitress We both look at her shes pretty nice curves Bright brown eyes. I think we found his mate, The waitress makes eye contact with him and she starts walking up to him. Oh yea that is the look Seth and i had when we first saw each other.

  "Alex stand up!"

 I whisper loudly to him and he stands once she get to him

 "Im Alex."

  She smiles as if the sound of his voice sent her heart to fire.

   "Im Tilly."

 They both smile they are all googoo over eachother its so cute! Now Seth can be the Godfather to our Babbie's.

   "Would you like to sit with us and have lunch?"

  "I just got on break, id love too."

 Oh my god their in love i can feel in im so excited!!!!!! I hope she moves in with us i need a girlfriend around the house other than Deena Dont get me wrong i  love Deena but i need somebody my own age to be my best friend. Theirs nothing but boys here i love the boys their like my brothers but i need a sister. She sits down next to Alex and they just stare at each other im sure that how me and Seth looked im not going to interrupt them. We order our food and wait,

   "What are we going to name the Babbie's?"

 I look at Seth as he ask the question.

   "I dont know...... i never thought about it."

  "I have."


    "Yes every male wolfs dream is to fine their mate have Babbie's."

 " what are your idea names?"

    "I know its like expected but for a girls Luna and daisy ."

  "I like it." I smile as i picture myself calling for Luna and daisy to come inside for lunch.

     "And for the boys Johnathan It was my dads name and mathew."

  "I love those names."

 I really love that name i hope their boys. I smile and kiss him our food comes out to us one by one the waiter doest even make eye contact with me or Seth i cant help but chuckle to myself. I guess we showed him eh? I mentally say to the Babbie's I feel warmth and happiness explode in my tummy. I feel Seth's stare


 "Are you okay?"

  "Im more than okay." I smile and he looks at me concerned.

      "Ill tell you when we get home." He smiles and digs into his food as do i. People look at us like we are animals and hey we are and we eat like them too if you don't like it turn the other cheek.





  When we get home all the boys unload the stuff and put them in an empty room piling them to high stacks. Wow that's alot of stuff. I smile as Seth picks me up bridal style and takes me to our room laying me on the bed. He gets on top of me and kisses my mark my whole body goes in to overload of want I breath deeply trying to control myself as i feel a burrning at my core. He stops and rest his head on my chest i run my fingers threw his hair.

   "He so what were you goin to tell me?"

 "Oh yea....... Okay so umm this is really cool. The Babbie's can feel my emotions and i can feel theirs and when i talk to them its like they know what im saying. "

   "Thats amazing!!!!! Do you think they can hear me?"

  "I dont know try."

 Seth lays his head on my tummy , "Hey Babbie's it your daddy, I love you little ones."

    I feel the feeling of happiness  and it radiates off me to Seth "Do you feel it?"

  Seth looks up with tears in his eyes.

   "What wrong Seth""

 "Nothing its just such a beautiful feeling."

   He smiles and kisses me passionately. Hes beautiful i could ask for a better person to be the father of my Babbie's.




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