Class 2

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     Well i am defiantly pregnant i have to be i lay on the couch in the living room with Seth waiting for the doctor to come and do a sonogram on my stomach. Its been a month and they still haven't found the place and i don't think he ever will. Alex sits across from us with his head in his hand.

 "Hey Alex you okay over their i think your more nervous than me and Seth are and we are the parents."

  Seth and i laugh and he scolds me "Hey ill be the god father so yes i am nervous."

     "Whoaaa buddy you cant be the godfather with out a godmother so find your mate and we will talk about it." Seth says. Non of these boys have found their mate wonder why, I smile as all the boys come into the room some sit on the floor like little kids at day care watching a movie.

    "We dedicate our selves to you to protect you and your baby."

  One of the guys say I smile and a tear falls down my cheek, "I love you guys!!"

    Our heads snap to the door and it opens and in walks Deena and the doctor. My heart is beating so fast im so freaking nervous you have no idea!

   "I am doctor Neal"

  He has a sweet smile and a kind heart says Myra. This means i can trust him, If a pact found out that im a warrior wolf they could come and kidnap me and keep me hostage and if i were pregnant they could use me for breading eww that's so gross. I know when Seth thinks about it because he get so mad and starts to shake and only i can calm him down.

    "This might feel a little cold."

   Doctor Neal put the goo on my stomach and starts moving it around and pushes hard on my stomach. We all look at the screen......

   "You are defiant pregnant."

  "Really ? We are going to have a baby?!"

     "Not just a baby.... Two babies."


     I feel my self fade into darkness everything is quiet and peace full.





  I awake still with everybody around me with worried eyes the doctor flashes light in my eyes

    "How are you feeling?"

  "Fine. What happened?"

 "You passed out when i told you that your having twins."

 I raise the palm of my hand to my fore head Two babies and im not even married yet? This is wrong sooo wrong, but it feels so rite.

    "So your saying their are two Babbie's floating around in their?" I stay pointing at my stomach.

  "Yes, They are very healthy and growing fast."

 Well thats good news i look at everybody and they look so happy.

    "Why are yall all smiling?"

  "We haven't had a baby in the house in a long time." Deena says.

 It nice knowing that your the reason for other peoples happiness. The doctor get up to leave but gives me a bag full of pills. I pull them out and look at them theses do not look like normal human prenatal pills.

   "What are these doctor?"

 "Special pills for your pups, since you cant go and hunt animal while you pregnant you Will take pills with more nutrient than regular human prenatal pills. Your pups will be stronger than any pups around. With you being a warrior Wolf they two will get your gift. "


     "Doctor will she be able to shift while she is pregnant?" Seth ask before the doctor drives off.

   "Its not safe but if she has to for an emergency she can. It will put stress on her and the pups and im afraid that the pups wont do well with stress that could put on them."

   The doctor drives off Seth from behind and rubbes his hands on my stomach I smile as i feel Myras happiness. We walk inside and everybody dressed up like we are going somewhere.

   "Why are y'all all dressed up?"

 "We need to go baby shopping hello???"

     "Ohhhh hahaha. Okay let me go get dressed."

  I run upstairs and throw on a yellow summer dress i need to get dressed quick and a dress is quick. I leave my converse on im so not doing heals or flats im going comfortable. i put my hair in a black clip and race down stairs.


  "Shut up Alex!"

 We all laugh as Seth smacks the back of his head. We have to take 4 different cars just to go shopping im guessing the boys are goin to buy stuff for the babies too. We get to the first store and all the boys get ready to scatter


 They all stop and turn to me.

  "We don't even know the gender of the babies."

 The boys start laughing

    "Whats so funny?"

  "Nothing its just they are goin to be warrior babies and well that means their going to be boys."

 "Well im not a boy and im a warrior wolf so can you see where the problem is?"

  "Ohhhh yea........."

 The only one that speaks for the boys is Alex he has a big mouth but i gotta love this kid hes like the big brother iv always wanted.

   "Okay we will get stuff for a boy and a girl and whatever we end up having will determine the stuff we keep and the stuff we return."

  "That actually sounds like a good idea."

    At that all the boys run off and go crazy each one grabs a shopping cart and starts filling them up with stuff. Oh my god their crazy! They must really love kids. I honestly don't know what im having i go to the shoe isle and get every color of converse they have.

    think this is all im going to get because the boys are going nuts. every body look and stares at them and i cant help but laugh as they insane with clothes and toys and bouncers and bibs. An hour in and i think they are almost done i don't even thing they really looked at the stuff i think they just threw everything in to the basket that had a baby picture on it. Im starving and my stomach is not hiding it as in growls loudly, All the boys look at my stomach then start hollering for more people to help at the check out counter.

   "No guys its okay really."

 "No its not the Babbie's are hungry."

  I giggle at the boy all talk in unison to me. Seth stand next to me our finger intertwined I look up at him he looks so happy and i know he is because i can feel it radiating off of him. He looks at me and kisses my lips and laves me breathless  as he pulls away slowly.

  "What are you hungry for?"


  "I should have known."

 We both laugh and he get on his knees and talks to the Babbie's i love how he doesn't care who's looking because their are alot of people looking at all of us me Seth and the boys,  their looking at all of us weird but you know it doesn't bother us.

  It doesn't bother me because im exactly where im meant to be im happy where i am and nothings goin to take my happiness away from me NOBODY. And if Eddie thinks he is going to take me away from my family he has another thing coming.

  **********VOTEEEEEEE Its important that you do people :)*****************

  LOTS OF LOVE Heather <3

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