Class 2

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 This isn't how its supposed to be i know i keep saying that but its the truth, everything was finally normal and now i wake up in a big lavished room dressed in silky skimpy pajamas. What the hell is this? I go and turn on the lights theirs a big bump on the beck of my head, wheres Seth?!?!


 At the sound of my voice the door opens and a tan kind of buff guy walks in with an evil smile on his face. I back up to the wall and run to the bathroom and lock the door. My breathing heavy and quick what are they going to do?

  "Use you for breading Lyla."

"Myra!! where were you when i needed you you left me!!!"

   "No Lyla the gave you a remedy that made me silent and you weak. Its still in your system only a little but your weak you need to sweat it out and fast!!! The minuet you hear me say change you change."


  I don't know how to sweat it off i mean what do i do work out in the restroom?! I look around oh god lets do this. I starts to run up and down the bathroom which is huge and then i do push ups and sit ups i can feel the remedy sweating out of me because I'm getting stronger. Theirs a bang on the door but i ignore it and keep going pushing my self harder and harder.  The door is knocked down and i jump,


 I burst in to my wolf and rip the two guys head off their shoulders i start to run and quick at that i jump down stairs and let Myra guide me.

 "Go faster turn to the left!"

  I do as she says and their is a door i run fast and knock it down a growl rips through my chest as I'm attacked by a big wolf its a male i don't see any others around. I snicker at him hes only tall but bony to death. I charge at him with all force and knock him to he ground.

  "Lyla i recommend you stop or we will kill you Babbie's!!"

 My heart drops and i run to my Babbie's as the guy hold them in his arms. He hold a gun up to Davids head. Myra starts crying and that's when i cant do anything. I shift back to human and grab my Babbie's shielding my naked body the guy outs a towel over my body and pushes me inside my legs weak i stumble upstairs. Is Seth dead? Oh my god no please!!! i call out to him but feel nothing my heart aches and im thrown into another lavished room. David and Luna start crying i lay them on the bed and on the clothes that were in the draw on.  This cant be happening it just cant!

    "you are very beautiful Lyla Zamora."

 I turn to the person with both of the Babbie's in my arms. Black hair spiked up caramel skin muscle tone, he would catch my eye if i wasn't mated or a mother and totally in love with Seth. I pull my shirt to cover my body all the way and keep my Babbie's close to my body. David and Luna are still crying he touches my face i quiver from his touch and get sick to my stomach. I hold down my food because its the last I'm going to eat.

  "Don't touch me!"

 "Touch you? I'm going to do more than just touch you."


  I saw his smile drop its obvious he has never been turned down well now he his I could see it in his face the he is insulted. I could hear Myra laughing and for some reason she was glowing and it gave me hope. I stare back down at the guy just as much as he is doing to me to prove that I'm he isn't above me and that he is not the dominate one.

  "You dare stare down at me woman?"

              "Ohh your sexes i see well let me tell you something you can go to hell."

 I smile and walk away and loo out the window with the Babbie's in my arms. I can hear the growl in his chest ripping out. I can still taste the blood from the two guys that i killed i like my lips mmm sweet. I look down at David and Luna i have to feed them i guess ill have to breast feed for now. I turn around and the guy is right behind me towering over me but i show now care. I simply walk away and start singing to David and Luna and kiss them. I watch as the guy walks out i defeated hm by just talking to him that was easy. I breath out and start to breast feed the Babbie's they were really hungry.

  I'm stuck in the room nobody has come in since that one guy i blew off and they left out food but Myra said not to eat it. I'm so hungry tho she said i can go two weeks without eating and still have breast milk for the Babbie's. I just hop I'm not here for that long i miss Seth like crazy all i want to do is cry but i don't want to show weakness so i just hold it in. I'm scared to even sleep i don't want to get raped in the middle of the night i lock me and the Babbie's in the bathroom an i make a little bed in the two sinks for them and a bed for me in the tub. I close my eyes and dream of Seth him holding me tightly all threw the night and how we make love. I wake up with tears in my eyes. I need Seth he has to be alive.



 "Can you reach Seth's wolf?"

    "Yes I'm trying to help them find us."


    "No sweetie not even close hes furious he is looking for you and they are close we only have to be here 3 days,"

 "Oh my god thank fucking god!!"

I feel a kick of happiness and hope flood over me i can feel him now that must means hes close.  I smile and close my eyes and sleep through the rest of the night.





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