Class 2

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Well its 9 am in the morning an the babies only woke up two times Seth took care of them first time then it was my turn they are really god Babbie's the eat then go rite back to sleep. They sleep more than regular Babbie's do its crazy! We all sit down stairs and eat breakfast and listen out for the Babbie's cry on the monitor. We all jump at the sound one of the Babbie's crying their eyes out. Seth and i both get but Alex's gets up quicker.

"Ill get them."

We all smile and i can Tilly is thinking of having little ones of their own Alex would make a dad great dad some day and the way hes acting he migh have one some of his own soon. We all stare at Alex as he comes down with a baby in each arms and a big smile on his face.


We all nod our heads and continue to eat i listen as Alex talks baby to them i can tell their goin to love him as they grow up. I hope we can continue to stay here i know their are other packs that know about me and the Babbie's but i love this house. If Seth and i have to leave i know the boys will go with us too but i know Deena wont even if it means risking her life. I juts want us all together and happy why cant eveythng just be normal? We all go to sit in the living room Alex has Luna and i have David their both asleep Tiff and Alex both stare at Luna with smile on their faces.

"So their are going to come after us i don't know when but we need to move and move far and fast. They know Lyla ad the Babbie's are here an are gifted so they will try to come after them"

Well that just sucks i don't want to leave why do we always have t run away? I get up and walk away with baby David in my arms. When i get to the bedroom i put David in his crib my chest starts to hurt and i cant breath i run to the restroom and throw up a little. My chest tightens even more i cant even talk. Seth comes bursting ino the room he picks me up and runs out side and lays me on the earth.

"Lyla you need to change into you wolf!!!"

"I cant Myras not their!!"

"What do you mean shes not their?"

"I called for her shes not their!!!!"

Everythings hazy and un clear Its like im drunk and im about to pass out. I can feel myself hyperventilating my chest feels tight i feel like im high and drunk and dying all at the same time. I get on my hands an knees and shake my head i hear yellng growling and fighting. Whats happening?

"Your ours now Lyla."

"What who?"







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