Class 2

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  "Oh my god oh my god SETH WHAT DO WE DO?!?!?!"

 "Shhh calm down Lyla come on follow me baby. ALEX!!!!!!"

 Seth pushes me gently to walk and Alex comes in the room a panic look on his face

 "What whats going on?"

     "Call doctor Neal its time."

 Seth takes me to a room filled with medical shit and even the beds they have in hospitals is in their.

   "When did you have this done?"

 "3 days ago, come on and lay down."

 I lay in the bed and a wave of pain comes crashing on me,

  "FUCK!!! Seth it hurts so bad!!"

 Seth grabs my hand and sends me waves of love it makes me smile like crazy. The pain doesn't even faze me as long as i have contact with him. Another wave hit me it hurts but its form the Babbie's. Doctor Neal shows up and gets his gloves on.

   "Do you want something for the pain?"


  "Okay good because we are a little to late for that anyways."

 Seth and i both laugh yea itsn that obvious. Seth kisses my forehead and Deena comes in,

  "Hey hunn Alex wants to know if he can come in and watch."

  "Yea hes the godfather he should be in here. You know what let whoever wants to watch come in at this point i don't care."


 "Boys she says y'all can come in but Alex gets to pick his spot!"

    Alex comes in and stand on the other side of the bed and hold my other hand. The rest of the boys stand behind either Seth or Alex.

  "I thought y'all wanted to watch."

 "Yea watch the Babbie's when they get laid in your arms not coming out of you eww!"

    We all laugh but mines was interrupted by a gig wave of pain.

  "Oh my god!"

 "Okay its time to push Lyla."

    I push with all the force i have in me it hurt so bad but i keep pushing till i run out of air.

  "Goods job Lyla breath okay."

 I breath deeply and calmly.

  "Okay push again."

I push with all my might again squeezing Seth's and Alexes hand im surprised i haven't broke their fingers. I stop and take a breath and then push again Alex wipes sweat away from my forehead.

  "Almost their i see their heads!!! One more pussh!"

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 I push hard harder than i did before and i feel a release

  "Their out!!!"

 I watch as the doctor and his assistant take the Babbie's to the other side of the room to clean them we all wait by the bed waiting to see them. They both walk back with swaddled Babbie's and put the in each of my arms.

  "Two boys or two girls?"

 Theirs a silence in the room and we all look at the doctor.

   " A boy and a girl."

I Hardly Needed Saving 2 ***Completed ****Where stories live. Discover now