Class 2

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  My feet feel so good in the rich earth all the boys are racing each other me and Tilly watch them I'm huge so i cant even join and  love to run. This sucks i ant do anything but yall two will be out soon and i am going to run rite after yall are born. It feels so good to shift i only got to do it once though. I watch in jealousy as the boys shift and run like crazy through the woods Tilly has her hands on my belly feeling the little ones kick.

   "When are you going to get to know the gender?"

  "I have no idea we have been so busy figuring out what we are we going to do if Eddie finds us that we haven't been able to contact the doctor."

   "I hope their healthy."

 "Im sure they are i take all my pills and i only eat healthy Seth makes me and i hate it sometimes. But its for the Babbie's and ill do anything for them even if that means eating gross food."

 We both laugh and the boys turn to us.

  "Hey are the Babbie's moving?"

 "Yea yall want to feel?"

The boys run up and one a a time they all feel my belly each one smiles when they feel them kick. I love feeling them kick its so cool and amazing. I have the future inside me how cool is that? We all sap as we see black cars pull up to he house we hide behind the bushes I strain my eyes to see......

  "Its Eddie....."

 My heart is sent on over drive how the fuck did he find us?!?!?! My heart drops as we all see Drake get out o the car. The betrayal i feel in my heart is like a knife stabbing me. My whole boy shakes i cant control it i bust into my wolf and man are me and my wolf pissed. We start a sprint out toward Eddie and his dad but stop when we see guys with guns. We both panic and start to run back to the woods.

  "Their she is!"

 Fuck come on Lyla lets lose these fuckers. I send my feet off to epic speed I look behind me and all the boys are runing with me but i don't see Seth. Wheres Seth? I run back to the spot and see Eddies wolf and Seth's wolf fighting. Eddie has Seth pinned down on the ground. Must SAVE MATE!  I run and knock Eddie off of Seth and Seth gets up. I can tell hes mad but he will get over it he cant leave me i need him here. I look around and Eddie and his dad are surrounded the gun men are already dead. I wonder what hes going to do now. Seth transforms back to himself as does Alex. Eddie transformed when i knocked him down i think i broke his are and his dad transforms too. Seth grabs Eddie and Alex grabs Eddies dad and pull them back into the house.Im still in wolf form and i know this isn't good for me or the Babbie's. I transform back and go straight to the bedroom and put on a big hoodie and jeans so Eddie wont notice my baby bump. Seth calls for me and i walk to where they were keeping Eddie and his dad. I push the door open and see Seth punching Eddies face in.

  "Seth what are you doing?"

 Seth stops and looks at me,

 "See i told you she still loves me."

 "Eww as if Eddie."

     "Awww baby you know you don't mean that, come back home with me and be my mate. Ill love you forever and treat you right. You know the pull we have for each other is their."

  I move my hair away from my neck and flash off my mark from Seth.

 "You stole my mate!!!"

    "SHE IS MY MATE MINE!!! Show him Lyla."

  "No. I cant I told you about the dreams."

      "Does it look like hes going anywhere?"

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