Class 2

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   My eyes snap open to the door being broken down the Babbie's start crying and i grab them quickly before the guy from yesterday walks in.

"Good morning sweet Lyla."

"Go fuck your self."

He smiles and nodds his head scratching his chin. He walks over to me and touches my cheek i snap away my face as i feel myself getting sick from his touch i keep my face away from him.

"Ohhh are these your marks?"

He touches them and anger sets fire in the pit of my soul the growl comes out and the next thing i know Myra takes control of my body and kicks him across the room. I cant help but laugh he slowly gets up with his hand on his back even the Babbie's have a smile on their faces.

"You are going to stop doing that!!!"

I can hear the growl in his chest but it doesn't frighten me at all i stand their with my Babbie's in my arms he wraps his hand around my neck and squeezes a bit but not hard.

"And why would i stop?"

"Because if you don't.."

He backs me up against a wall and runs his hand on the outside of my jeans in the butt area and squeezes it roughly. I feel the fire in the pit of my stomach heat up he looks at my face and i hock a luggie in his face.

"Don't ever touch me AGAIN!!!"

I rack the shit out of him before he can say anything El's and push him to the floor. I walk away and sit on the bed with David and Luna i can see their smiles i swear their smiles give me hope and make me happy. I watch them slowly fall back to sleep the guy gets back to his feet i can see he is a good guy but i don't know i can feel it just i think he trying to be someone hes not.

He walks out of the room and slams the door

"Jesse you go in their and do your job!!!!"

"She doesn't want me!"

"Shes not supposed to want you you idiot!!"

"What? You mean rape her?"

"Duhh!! Now get back in their and finish you job!"

He gets pushed into the room and the door closes. I get up carrying the Babbie's and he backs me up against the wall he slowly grabs David and Luna and puts them on the bed. My breathing becomes heavy he puts his hands on my hips.

"Just go with it."

I look at him confused and he ticks his head to the door.

"Act like im forcing you...."

I nodd my head and start screaming no and stop i get on the bed and he gets on top of me i open my legs even tho we aren't doing it really i still feel sick to my stomach i hear the door creek open and then it closes. We keep pretending for a while then stop he gets off and i run to the restroom to throw up god that was horrible.

"I'm sorry about this Lyla."

I look up and the guy is standing over me wit a apologetic face on.

"I'm Jesse and I'm the alpha here and everybodys telling me i have to use you for breading to make our pact stronger but i just cant it isn't right. They are going against every wolf law known to wolf. My Mate is crying in our chambers because their making me do this i don't want to."

"Then take charge our YOUR pact Jesse i need to get home i need MY mate just like yon need yours."

"I cant."

He starts walking off and tears fall down my face how am i supposed to get out of here with the Babbie's here its impossible i mean their only Babbie's they cant transform till their 18!! I'm stuck here.

"Ill bring you food."

"I'm not eating that drugged shit."

"Ill make it myself no drugs i promise on my pact."

I nodd my head and he leaves the room. Their has to be some way to get out of here!!! I passe the room for a good hour the Babbie's start to cry their hungry and need a Diaper change but their are no diapers. Fuck!!! I feed them for 20 mins then theirs a knock at the door i cover myself back up.

"Come in."

Jesse walks in with two packs of diapers and a big plate of food. My stomach growls loudly he looks at my stomach.

"How did you know i needed diapers?"

" Well when i picked the Babbie's up i could tell those were goners i had to sneak them though."

I stay quiet and and nodd my head i miss Seth i can feel my heart being tortured slowly being away from him is the worst feeling in the world. At least when i look at David i see him he looks just like his daddy. Jesse sets everything down and leaves the room I'm so tired of being strong! I fall to my knees and tears pour out of my eyes Fuck i need to get out of here i don't need saving i hardly need saving. I smile as i remember telling Seth that in the hallways with Eddie.

I can do this i can get out I'm not going to be a hopeless damsel in distress! I am a warrior wolf and i am going to survive with my Babbie's!!!

I look around the room and start tearing up the sheets to the bed.........................................................................................................





I Hardly Needed Saving 2 ***Completed ****Where stories live. Discover now