chapter 2

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"hint the kinda" I replied. We then admitted to liking each other and then just dropped it. Oh yea, I was texting Bella this entire time. So the next few days were awkward as hell between Rylan and I. But that was partially because of Bella. Her and Jack were going strong. On Monday, Rylan asked me out. Of course I said yes. hello. So it was really fun but we didn't tell anyone besides Bella. Rylan cannot stand Bella but I really don't care. Oh yea this should make it in here somewhere too, Rylan is best friends with my little brother Cole. There was no way that we could tell Cole because he is the absolute worst at keeping secrets. On Saturday, Bella, Jack, Evan, Nick and I were going to this Halloween thing called Sights and Sounds. Its pretty much where you just walk around and have a good time with people. Rylan couldn't make it which was sad. But Bella and Jack kissed. We all had a good time and we were all exhausted from laughing by the end of the night. On Saturday, Rylan and I broke up. We both had too much going on and decided that if we couldn't date, we should be best friends. On Monday, Jack and Bella got in trouble for being too "touchy" with each other. Also, our principle is psychotic. And the reason they got in trouble is because their knees were touching. Dumb, I know. Later in the week, Rylan and I started to talk about our breakup. We decided that if we both had feelings for each other, we would date again. So we dated again. For five days. Then we broke up again. Whatever. So the same day in gym class, Jack asked Bella if they wanted to kiss again. So they kissed again and somehow didn't get caught. Rylan and I were off to a little bit if a bumpy start.

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