chapter 9

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fifth hour. mrs barley once again for math. she was even worse for math then science. she just rushes through it and we get yelled at for every little thing possible. there's a reason we are all failing that class. after our torture hour with her, we head to everyone's least favorite class, art appreciation. it's a lecture class and 45 minutes of straight hell. our teacher, ms jordan, is insane. but as we walked in, she yelled at us to stand up front at the board. i was really sad because i was sitting next to haylee. lucky for me ms jordan actually liked me. i was one of the select few who didn't drive her completely insane. during this time, most of my class is in band. on the bright side, i had this class with rylan, and sadly, cole. as ms jordan told us our new seats, haylee and i were right next to each other again. and then, the best part of all of this, rylan sat across the room from me. his curly, blonde hair and deep blue eyes just made him one thousand times hotter. everyone saw him as a huge douchebag. but as class went on, we just found each other staring at each other constantly. we couldn't help that we were in heart-wrenching love.

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