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Third Person

Liam arrives at Scott's house around noon on Sunday like they had discussed. That gives them all about eight hours to go over their plan before everyone has to be in their places. He clutches the strap of his backpack, nerves causing his pulse to flutter. When he knocks on the door, Stiles opens it and glances around before ushering him inside.

They all gather around the square table in the kitchen. By 'all' that means him, Stiles, Kira and Scott. Liam turns and scans the rest of the room. "Where's Ev?"

"She's out training with Mr. Argent," Scott answers.

Liam's face scrunches up slightly. But before he can ask more questions, Stiles speaks up. "I'm sorry. She's what now?"

"Stiles, don't start with this right now..." Scott sighs as he looks at the ceiling.

Stiles waves his hand around spastically. "No! No, I will most certainly start with this right now! Scott, why-why would you let her do that?"

Scott returns his flat stare to Stiles. "Because she needs to feel like she has some sort of control in her life. Training gives her a sense of purpose."

"But, Scott! It could-" Stiles begins before seeing the severe look in Scott's eyes. "Fine. But, don't think this is the end of this discussion," he warns as he braces his hands on the edge of the table. He glances at Liam momentarily before going back to Scott.

"Is Ev gonna be helping with this or..." Liam trails off questioningly.

Kira sighs. "No. This is one mission that's too dangerous for her."

"What do you-" he begins to ask when they all hear the front door open and someone enters. Footsteps sound along the wooden floorboards until they reach the edge of the kitchen.

Evelyn appears in the doorway out of breath in athletic clothing. Liam can see the small muscles of her abdomen glisten with sweat because of her only wearing a sports bra. He looks up to her face and sees her tan cheeks flushed pink. Sweat curls the strands of hair that have come loose from her thick French braid.

She smiles when she sees everyone. "Hey, guys. Watchya up to?"

"Just more brainstorming about who The Benefactor is," Stiles lies effortlessly. Liam glances at him and Stiles glares at him meaningfully.

Her face falls just a little bit. Then, her expression picks back up quickly. "Oh, okay. Good luck with that! I'm gonna go shower." Her gaze falls on Liam and she turns up one corner of her lips before leaving.

They stay quiet as they listen to her footsteps head slowly up the stairs and the shower turns on. Liam whirls back around to Scott. "So you're just lying to her??"

"It's not lying...it's just omitting certain truths?" Stiles responds uncertainly.

Liam crosses his arms and raises his eyebrows challengingly. "What happens if this doesn't work? Or if it goes wrong? Who's gonna tell her that Scott-"

"Liam. It's gonna work," Scott reassures him. Liam presses his lips into a thin line and nods. While everyone takes out their MacBooks to begin going over the plan, he listens to her upstairs.

She hums as the warm water runs over her, only slightly suspicious of what's going on downstairs. When she gets out, she puts on a playlist of her favorite songs as she gets ready. It features plenty of Shawn Mendes and Paramore. What a weird combination.

"Have you guys done something like this before?" Liam questions worriedly as he tunes back in to the conversation at hand.

"Something dangerous or something idiotic?" Stiles responds unhelpfully.

Amour de Chiot (Liam Dunbar x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now