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"Nnghn..." I groan as I struggle to open my eyes. They feel like lead weights and I lie awake for a long time unable to open them. Finally, I manage to pry them open and find myself back in my room.

My eyes wander around until they land on something that brings a smile to my lips. Scott is leaned back in my desk chair, literally twiddling his thumbs as he stares at the ceiling. He lowers them briefly to look at me before they go back up at the ceiling. Scott immediately looks back to me.

"Ev, you're awake!" He sighs happily as he scoots the chair over to my bed. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything?" His hand finds mine and squeezes tightly. Almost too tightly. But, I try to squeeze back the best I can. After all, the last time I was awake, he was practically dead. It was terrifying.

I scrunch my face at his barrage of questions. "I need you to stop asking questions first thing when I wake up." As I attempt to move my arms to sit up, they feel like stone. "How long was I out?"

"Not that long..." He tries to lie, but I can hear it in his voice.

"Scott..." I warn him.

He sighs. "Almost forty hours," he confesses, looking away.

"Jesus Christ," I groan and immediately sit up, regardless of how heavy I feel. "I'm missing school." I flip the covers off of me and try to stand.

Scott stands up and gently pushes me back down onto the bed. "School is almost over for today. You can go tomorrow," he promises.

"I'm supposed to work tonight," I protest as I shake my head.

He chuckles as he sits back down. "Mom already called and told them you were sick. You need to rest, Ev."

"Please, tell me that Vicki has been getting my homework," I sigh as I flop back down on the pillow.

Scott grins at me. "As a matter of fact...yes, she has been. I'll text her and tell her she can bring it by tonight to help you catch up."

"I'm so sorry." I close my eyes, guilty that I'm making things difficult for everyone.

"Hey." I open my eyes to find his looking at me incredulously. "Don't ever be sorry. We're all really proud of you for being a fighter." He grasps my hand in his again and squeezes gently this time.

I stay silent for a moment as my heart constricts. "All of you?"

"Yes." He nods. "All of us. You kicked that berserker's ass, according to Liam," he laughs.

My eyes widen. "Oh, god. Liam. Does he know?"

"No." Scott shakes his head. "He thinks that it was just the adrenaline wearing off. Although, I'd say he's probably worried by now."

I close my eyes and breathe a sigh of relief. "Ev." My eyes turn to him. "You can tell him. I don't think he's gonna look at you any differently than he already does."

"Oh, really? And how is that?" I ask, my tone thick with sarcasm.

Scott stands and heads toward the door. He leans against the open frame and crosses his arms before saying anything again. "Like you put the stars in the sky."

I open my mouth to say something, but no words come out. My skin begins to feel very hot as he stands there grinning smugly. I quickly grab a pillow and hurl it at him. He easily deflects it as he laughs and leaves.

"Bring me some food, why don't you?? I'm starving!" I yell after him before sinking back down into my pillows. That's just ridiculous. Liam doesn't like me like that. All we do is infuriate each other every chance we get.

Amour de Chiot (Liam Dunbar x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now