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The next day after a night of absolutely zero sleep, Stiles and Malia are rummaging through Scott's room to find something with his scent on it. I stand in the doorway, anxiously watching.

"I thought your dad said we're not allowed to go to Mexico!" I remind him.

He throws Malia a shirt from the closet and she sniffs it. She shakes her head once and he digs for another one. "He did say that."

"So, why do you need something with his scent on it if we're not going?" I question quizzically.

Stiles tosses her another shirt, which she sniffs and sighs disappointedly. "Fabric softener."

"First of all, like we would ever just sit around and wait for the adults to get off their asses while Scott and Kira are in danger," he scoffs while digging through the hamper in Scott's bathroom. "Secondly, Nix, there is no we. You're not coming with us."

I gasp in offense. "Like hell I'm not! If Scott is in Mexico, then I'm going," I demand, crossing my arms determinedly.


Before he can even get my name out, I cut him off. "No offense, Stiles, but I can do a lot more than you can! Have you fought one of those berserkers and made it bleed?" He hesitates with his mouth parted, Scott's boxers clutched in his fist. "No? That's what I thought. I'm helping you save my brother and you can't stop me," I huff angrily.

"...Fine. But, I'm not taking the blame when your mom finds out," he sighs in annoyance. I smirk proudly and he holds the boxers out to Malia. She scrunches her nose at him. "Remember...Scott's life is on the line."

There's a loud knock on the door downstairs and I briefly turn my head in the direction of it. "I'll get it," I say, spinning on my heel to leave, "oh, and maybe try his pillow case if you don't wanna smell dirty boxers." I click my tongue at Malia and she smiles gratefully after she smells it and sees it'll work.

"Thanks!" She calls as I head into the hall. I can barely hear her words float to my ears. "See? She doesn't completely hate me! I can work with that!"

I roll my eyes with a small chuckle to myself and hurry down the stairs to answer the door in the kitchen. Swinging it open, my eyes widen when I find Liam standing there. "Oh!"

"Thank god! Have they left yet?" He questions urgently while he brushes gently past me into the house.

Closing the door, I follow him until he leans against the table nervously. "You mean Stiles and Malia? No, we're just about to...we had to find something with Scott's scent," I explain, tilting my head to the side and trying to read his expression. "I didn't think you'd be going with us."

"He's not," Stiles sighs as he hurries into the kitchen and toward the door. "Liam, go home! You're not coming with us!"

Liam stands up straighter and argues, "Why not?" I wonder since when is he not scared of all this supernatural stuff and smile to myself a little bit at him wanting to help.

"Because. It's a full moon," Stiles sighs, "and I don't feel like driving all the way down to Mexico just to have you rip my throat out!"

They go back and forth about a way to get Liam down there without him killing us all. After all, he tore through the last chains they wrapped him in and the back of Stiles' jeep isn't exactly made for budding werewolf anger.

"Liam," I say softly and his bright baby blues stare into mine seriously, "You're still new to this all. You don't have to go with us."

His brow twitches down like he realizes something. "You're going?" Immediately, my eyes can't stand the intensity of his gaze and I look at my feet and then to Stiles. He shakes his head with wide eyes. "Well that settles it. If she's going then I have to go!"

Amour de Chiot (Liam Dunbar x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now