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This was a mistake. The sky overhead is pitch black and you can barely make out the shape of swirling, gray clouds as a storm begins to brew. You've been walking for hours now and you curse yourself for getting so lost in the forested mountains - the bitter, cold wind hinders your movements and exhaustion creeps in your system.

You couldn't just stay though - no way - you did not want to listen to another word coming out of that vile woman's mouth. Your aunt is not a very pleasant woman and made her dislike of you very clear, constantly nagging at you, and claiming you are just a burden whenever the smallest of inconveniences happen.

In the heat of the argument between you two, you forgot to grab a jacket and your phone, so now you're more pissed off than before and completely lost, left to the mercy of mother nature. A droplet of water splashes on your cheek and you glance up to the sky, noting that the storm is closer and bound to break out in full any minute now.

You definitely aren't going to find your way back but you need to at least find some sort of shelter. You walk briskly, searching for a little bit of cover from the oncoming storm, but in your haste you manage to get your foot snagged on some roots and stumble on loose rocks, sending you down a small cliff.

You instinctively curl into a ball as you descend down the slope, letting out a wheeze as you abruptly stop rolling, all breath knocked out of you. You finally catch your breath and try to get up but you come to a realization that you can't - you're stuck. You blink and wipe the dirt and grime from your eyes as you look down at a sizable boulder resting upon your leg. You tug your limb but it's futile. You're weak and just took a tumble so any hope of freeing yourself is slim.

What luck you have.

Just then lighting cracks the sky and thunder booms out, raining starting a treacherous downpour, getting heavier by the second. You want to scream and cry at how unfair this all is, your emotions threatening to boil over; everything is a disaster and you hate how helpless you are and more than that... you hate how alone and scared you feel. You have no one. You settle down on your back and stare at the sky, not caring how wet and filthy you are, hoping that you can just be free and live among the stars - no vicious aunt to degrade you.

A long, bellowing howl breaks through the pounding of rain and rolling clouds, sending your body into a instant state of frozen fear. You stiffen but force yourself to sit upright and warily look around you, gulping as you watch the dark woods surrounding you. Another howl, shorter and more of a 'yip,' breaks out and it's closer. Your heart hammers in your chest as you strain your ears to hear the faint, powerful thudding of feet coming your way. The panting of the creature headed your way is now audible and your chest tightens in panic. You're going to die!

The creature is near, the crashing and snapping of leaves and twigs stops, everything silent except for the storm and you hold your breath. Peering into the darkness, you shudder when you meet a pair of golden, shining eyes staring right at you only a few yards away. Shivers roll down your spine and fear tears a choked whimper from your throat. You clamp your mouth shut when the beast slowly inches forward, head bent down cautiously, sniffing at the air. It halts all movement and it's eyes flicker briefly before it continues treading lightly towards you.

You squirm to put distance between you both. It's eyes never leave yours and when you wince in pain from your now numb leg and battered body, it seems to coil in on itself in sympathy or pity, ears flattening. It's a huge black wolf - the howl alone would have been enough of an indicator. Seeing its sheer size sends more panic coursing through your veins, and you begin heaving deep breaths of air, letting out more cries of pain and fear.

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