After Ending: Answers

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"I want to ask you something," you say, eyes following Jungkook's every move as he scurries around the kitchen.

"Hmm," he hums mindlessly as he opens a cabinet and scours the shelves for snacks.

"I was wondering... umm, after I... I died, what happened?" You questioned hesitantly, seeing Jungkook stop what he was doing and stiffen slightly. "I might've heard a few things but I don't know how much time passed or anything else really."

Jungkook bites at his bottom lip. "Oh," he releases a breath you didn't know he was holding. "We stayed there for a little while. I didn't - couldn't - leave... leave you right away."

You catch his eye and he just stares at you with an unreadable expression. He takes a bigger breath before opening his mouth only to shut it a second later, eyes shifting elsewhere as he shakes his head.

"What?" You prod curiously. "You can tell me. Whatever you want to say - say it - I want to know." He glances at you from the corner of his eye still uncertain. "Please."

His head falls back and he closes his eyes. You catch his fists tightening and then loosening up as he seems to think it over. After a minute he turns back towards you, a deadly serious expression etched on his face.

"I'm angry," he states. You furrow your brows and go to speak but he doesn't let you. "I am so angry at everything that happened. I'm furious at what they did," he nearly growls, "but not as much as I am with myself."

"Jungkook, no--"

He holds a hand up. "I was supposed to protect you and I failed."

"It wasn't your fault! You can't always protect me," you argue back.

"If I had been there sooner or never left--"

Now you cut him off, glaring at him. "No. Stop beating yourself up over it, Jungkook, I'm not your responsibility so don't treat me like one."

"It's my job," he counters.

"I'm also not a job to be taken care of," you stand and walk to him and poke a finger at him, "so knock it off."

He huffs. His eyebrows are drawn in close, a tiny pout adorning his lips. You shouldn't be thinking this but he looks adorable and you get the urge to just kiss him and smother him but you refrain as his face grows more serious.

"I was angry at you too, ya know..." His eyes hold no anger though, they're softer than his words but still hold a deep and dark swirling sea of emotions. "I hated you," he adds.

That catches you off guard. Right... you had heard him saying that the day you died and he had meant it - if only a little bit. "I'm sorry..."

"Why would you do that?"

"B-because I loved you," you stammer. "I still love you!"

He grabs your hands, fingers curling around yours as he shakes his head. "You still shouldn't have done that.

"Would you have?" When he doesn't say anything you know the answer.

"That's not the point. You're just a hu--" he stops himself and clears his throat. "You didn't have as much of a chance of surviving that."

You raise a brow. "And you do?"

"Uh, well, yeah... I'm stronger and had a far better chance of recovering. Never do something so reckless again."

"You can't tell me what to do," you snip. "If I want to jump in front of a knife for you, then I sure as hell will!"

"No!" His hands had moved up to your shoulders, grip tighting but not enough to hurt. "Don't be dumb Y/n, you are not going to risk your life for mine."

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