Please Surrender

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That voice. It's familiar. It's deep and melodic but spoken softly and sounds like it's on the edge of a cliff, about to fall and shatter into a million pieces.

"Come back..."


"I need you... You can't leave me."

Why does he sound so broken? What's wrong?

"Y/n, please... come back to me."

You can't see him but you can hear him clearly. Where is he? Where are you?

"Come back... please! Don't leave me! Y/n, you have to wake up!"

You try to speak but nothing comes out. You want to tell him so badly that you can hear him, and that you're not gone and will never leave. You're lost in some sort of darkness but you're still here - wherever here is.

"How could you do this to me?! I hate you. I hate you so, so much! Why won't you wake up..."

No... He can't hate you! You need to tell him he's not alone. You didn't leave. You won't ever leave. You'll fix whatever you did wrong to make him feel this way! You have to tell him so many things. He has to know--

"Wake up!"

Your eyes snap open as you startle awake, slightly shaking from where you lay on the ground. You blink a few times and rub your hands over your eyes. Jungkook is standing right over you with a big mischievous grin slapped on his face, nose crinkled in amusement.

"Good morning, sunshine," he croons. "Finally awake huh?"

You send him a glare and groan, throwing your head back. It was just a dream. You're still here and so is Jungkook. Good.

You stretch out, enjoying the way your back pops and all your muscles tense before relaxing completely. The ground isn't the most comfortable but a good stretch helps you almost forget that's where you were sleeping.

"You okay?" Jungkook suddenly asks, shifting his weight, a slight crease forming on his forehead.


"You were kind of shaking and looked really scared and sad while sleeping..."

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just a bad dream," you mumble while shaking your head, trying to dispel the unpleasant thoughts of the horribly lonely and dark dream you had been awoken from.

"Okay. Well, let's head out sleepyhead!" Jungkook says, jumping up energetically with a wide smile.

You swear he has too much energy for his own good. Maybe that's why he's always so damn warm, because he has all that energy built up that needs to be burned off. You chuckle and smile to yourself watching him hop around your little camp. Does he know that he does those little habits? Hopping around. Wiggling. Scrunching his nose. Does he know how endearing and cute they are? Does know just how cute he is?

If he does, he doesn't say it out loud. You hope he doesn't - that'd certainly be dangerous. He could certainly use it against you and get away with anything. You're suddenly very aware of your heart thumping a little harder in your chest as you observe him. Looks like you're already doomed.

 Looks like you're already doomed

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