Breaking Rules

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Jungkook sighs softly after shutting the door and stands there with his head down. He doesn't know how long he can keep doing this. How long can he resist the urge to be around you, even though you aren't in any danger, and his leader has told him countless times to step back from you.

The answer is simple - he can't. He can't keep doing this forever but he'll try for as long as he can. He doesn't want to disappoint or cause any more trouble.


He looks up to see Namjoon down the hall, motioning for him to follow him. Once they are in the living room that has been emptied of all the other members, off doing who knows what, Namjoon speaks.

"Taehyung and Jimin went out; they said something about her stuff?"

"Yeah, Y/n lost her stuff and she wants it back, so we're looking for it."

Namjoon nods. "Okay, well once she gets her stuff back, she has to go."

Jungkook's brows furrow slightly and he swallows thickly, trying not to react too much. "Okay," he says without much emotion.

Namjoon figured he'd still have something to say to him and argue a bit, but he's thrown off a bit by Jungkook's complete change in behavior.

"Ah, you're not gonna argue huh?" Namjoon teases lightly but immediately becomes serious once again - he can sense Jungkook isn't in any mood to joke around right now. "Well, since she doesn't have anywhere, you can at least accompany her and make sure she gets somewhere safe."

"Okay..." Jungkook simply agrees.

With that Namjoon walks off and leaves Jungkook to his thoughts once again. He hopes Jungkook can get you far away and safe and then return. Once you're gone, he might just have Jungkook stop being your guardian all together and take over - or just hope for the best. Hope that you'll be alright and not need them. It won't be easy for Jungkook... but it won't be and isn't any easier for him either.

 but it won't be and isn't any easier for him either

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"It's around here," a deep voice rumbles.

"How do you know?"

"Because I can smell her and Kook's scent, you moron," says the deeper voice, a taller man named Taehyung. He can also smell other scents and it makes his nose scrunch in distaste.

"I can smell too you idiot!" The shorter male named Jimin grumbles under his breath, "Maybe not as well as you, you oversized hound..."

"Then why did you question me?" Taehyung rolls his eyes as he crouches down, inhaling deeply, mouth slightly parted. "And don't be pouty just because I have a superior sense of smell," he taunts lightheartedly.

Jimin then snickers. "Because I just absolutely live for annoying you Taehyungie. I think your head is getting too big with all the 'my sniffer is better than yours' thing though - you might wanna tone it down or I'm afraid it'll get so big that it'll burst.

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