Talk Me Down

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You wake up to sunlight filtering through the leaves of the trees towering above you. Blinking the sleep from your eyes, your mind finally clears to realize you're laying on the ground in the forest - alone. Jungkook is no where to be seen.



"Hello? Is anyone there?!" You shout a little louder, standing up and brushing the dirt and leaves off of you. You hug yourself and look around. You have no idea where you are or where Jungkook could be. Did he leave you here all by yourself?

No. He wouldn't do that... would he?

The snap of a twig catches your attention and you whirl around. There's a wolf! And not just any wolf - it's your wolf - Kookie. He stands completely still, one paw raised with his head lowered and big, beautiful dark eyes with golden flecks staring right through you. He looks as if he didn't want to be caught but it's too late.

"Kookie!" You shout happily and bound towards him, your hands reaching for his thick, dark, and warm coat of fur. He seems to cower a bit right before you touch him, slowly relaxing and melting into the scratches he receives along his ears. "I missed you, buddy, where've you been?"

He lets out a soft rumble and looks up at you with the gentlest eyes you've ever seen. He's the biggest, softest sweetheart you've ever met. You catch his tail twitching on the forest floor, as if he's trying not to wag his tail. You giggle at the thought of him - a big floofy baby - being seen as anything but. He is not a monster or evil like many people deem wolves to be.

After a few minutes of petting him and rambling about the events you've experienced so far, he carefully nudges you away and begins to slowly walk off. You go to follow him but he stops in his tracks to look back at you and growl softly with a look that warned you not to. You halt in your steps and stand there a little confused and hurt.

You want to follow him. You don't want to be alone since Jungkook is apparently gone. Kookie's ears flatten and his head lowers, his stance changing into something almost submissive, looking at you like he's sorry. You sigh sadly and he turns around slowly, creeping back into the woods where he came from.

You sit on a log and sulk to yourself. You can't believe that you've been left in the woods all alone. You have no food or water. You're completely lost and you have no way of finding your way out. You fear by wandering around to find your way out will only backfire and you'll end up even further away from any small towns.

But you can't just sit here and rot so you decide that wandering is your best option. You stretch and begin walking, only making it a couple hundred yards before you hear something running behind you in the distance. And then...


Was that Jungkook..?

"Y/n, w-where are you?!"

You speed walk back to where you had just cone from, following the voice. "Jungkook?! Over here!!"

Jungkook suddenly bursts through a thicket of bushes, panting and with wide eyes. He strides towards you and lifts one of your arms, then tilts your head in every possible direction, scanning you.

"Are you ok? Have you gotten hurt?" He asks with a curiously worried face. He calms down to catch his breath when you shake your head letting him know you're fine.

"Where were you?"

He takes one more big gulp of air. "I was just out exploring a little..."

"I thought you left me..." You say with a little pout at the thought. "I woke up and you were just gone."

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