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You sit on the boulder in the dark, staring at the woods. Your eyes never leave the spot where Jungkook left a few hours ago. Almost as if you expect him to come through the thick brush and towering trees, smiling with his nose crinkled cutely - there's a possibility. Right?

No, he's gone.

And you don't know when he'll come back... or if he'll even ever come back. Funny how he was the one pleading you not to leave - in your dream, more like nightmare - and now you're the one left all alone.

You cast your eyes upwards, watching the stars above you twinkle. They remind you of him. Jungkook's eyes were like stars; they were big and shone brightly. You blink and rub your face frustratedly. Why were you even thinking like this? Why were so attached to him? You two had gotten pretty close and comfortable around each other quickly. Almost too quickly.

What was it about him?

Actually, what was it about you? Jungkook, he was perfect. He oozed kindness, he is so nice and seems sincere in everything he does or says. He radiated a golden light, a warmth that wrapped itself around him and spread onto you when you where around him. He felt safe.

But you, you weren't special. You were just... you. You didn't hold the stars in your eyes and you didn't light up the world with a glowing heart made of gold. So why did he stick around you as long as he did?

Was it because he genuinely wanted to be around you? Or was it pity?

Your eyes slowly drift back to the trees and you could have sworn you saw golden eyes, like... like your wolf, Kookie. You scramble to sit on the edge of the boulder to maybe get a better look, even though you know your eyes aren't that great, and it wouldn't even help in seeing something from a bit of a distance and in the dark.

Nothing. Maybe you were seeing things. You're probably so scared and lonely that your mind made up seeing a wolf - your special wolf - in order to try and comfort yourself. You find that sort of sad.

You don't have much more time to dwell on your thoughts or feelings when you feel a powerful breeze pick up and nearly send you flying off the boulder. You sit back up and come face to face with a dark hooded figure, causing you to scream.

"Silence," the cloaked figure orders.

Your screams stop without you even doing so. Your eyes are wide as you stare, utterly bewildered.

"Do not be afraid. I've come to help," the voice says, sending a chill down your spine.

This did not feel right.

You want to move and run away from this creepy and strange person but it's like you're frozen in place and are only able to watch as the person, who you've decided is a man by the gruff voice, walks around slowly as if scrutinizing you.

"That necklace is one of a kind."

You're able to glance down and spot the necklace around your neck - your mom's necklace. Your voice comes back to you but it's soft. "Y-yes... it is."

"Do you even know how special it is?"

Your brows furrow. What is he getting at? What does he want? Why is he here?

"Yes. It was my mother's, so it is very special."

"But do you know of it's power?"

This man is crazy. Why can't your legs seem to move? You wish Jungkook were here, he'd have no trouble sending the creep scampering away.

He scoffs. "Of course you wouldn't! That woman--"

"Shut up!" You yell furiously, surprising yourself. "Do not talk about her as if you know her. Who even are you?!"

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