☆ Smile

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Christmas is now just around the corner. Its the 24 of december and Youngjae was outside his house. It is already 11:00 PM KST Since he live alone, why not go out? right?  Also he was waiting for something...

Someone actually. He was waiting for someone. Who? He does not know. All he knows was he needs to be here right now, He was sitting on a bench under a post of light. Beside him is a coffee stall with people forming a line to buy the coffee.

He was wearing a thick jacket, hand warmer and a thick scarf that is clinging on his nape, as if its life depends on youngjae's milky neck.

Just as he was about to leave. He bump to someone, He quickly apologized and bowed his head. He looked up the male he bump. Just as he was about to walk back home, He suddenly halted, making him trip on his own foot.

He close his eyes, ready to feel the cold ground to be in contact of his body. But, instead he felt nothing but warmth.

He fluttered his eyes open only to see the male whom he bump to, A smile plastered on his face, His hands were on youngjae's waist supporting him from falling to the ground.

"You should be careful, I just saved your butt from falling." the male infront of him muttered.

Their faces are so close that youngjae could already feel The Handsome male's breath fans accross his cheek, Making him blush.

"Thank you" Youngjae mumbled. Standing back up as he wipes the invisible dust off his shirt. Suddenly a small snow flake fell to his nose. Making youngjae look up the sky.

"I am jaebum, by the way" Jaebum said, Stretching his hand for youngjae to shake. Jaebum smiling at youngjae

Youngjae gladly shook the other's warm hand, His eyes suddenly drifted to Jaebum. Youngjae is drowning on those two brown orbs.

'He is so handsome' Youngjae thought to himself.

"Why thank you" Jaebum replied, Making youngjae snap back to reality.

"Did I say that out loud?" A blush suddenly creep to youngjae's cheek. His gaze were glued to the floor, as he nibbles on his lips.

Jaebum nodded his head making the other blush more.

"Sorry, Its nice meeting you. I am Youngjae" Youngjae said as a poor attempt of changing the topic.

"Why are you here alone?" Jaebum asked. Youngjae looked bavk up at him.

"Well actually, I am alone so i thought spending the night outside would make me feel less lonely. But actually it made it worse, I feel more lonely seeing families and couples celebrating christmas." Youngjae can't help not to rant at jaebum. He was tugging the hem of his shirt, lips pouted.

Jaebum chuckled. 'so cute' Jaebum thought. "Well me too. I spend christmas alone" Jaebum said.

'How i love how he smiles' Jaebum thought.

That is how they met. Now? They are a married couple.

Jaebum would always wake up with a whipped cream on his face.

why? All because of Youngjae. Youngjae is having a hard time waking the Older so he thought of placing a whipped cream on jaebum's face.

"Gotcha" Jaebum said, Tacklung youngjae. Hugging Youngjae's waist, Making Youngjae drop the can of Whipped cream. While Youngjae's laugh were blaring all through out there house.

It always happens every morning, Jaebum tackling Youngjae, Youngjae Whole-heartedly laughing. until one day.

"Jaebum, Honey..." Youngjae mumbled with tears.

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