✩ Kidnapped ( Part 1 )

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Unedited! Sorry fot Grammatical errors. Typed this at 3:00AM in the Morning.

Third Person's Point Of View

Im Jaebum was at his Flat. The famous Solo Singer with Billions of Fans all over the world. Seated at his sofa comfortably, as he Watches the News, a bowl of chips resting on his lap.

It was one chilly night when he decided just rest after the fan meeting he just had earlier that day. Sighing, defeated as he couldn't find anything amusing with the TV, Jaebum decided to call it a day and get some sleep- grumpily getting up as he heads for his room. Suddenly the doorbell from his Penthouse rang, repeatedly. Seemingly as if, the person behind it was in rush. He walked to check who the person was through the screen resting on the wall which is being recorded by the cctv.

"Oh who is it this time?" He thought to himself. "Did I do something wrong again?"

At first, he thought it was his manager and thought if he has done another 'Stupid Stunt' again to ruin his image. Surprisingly it was some guy, A stranger.

"Hello?!! is somebody here!! PLEASE HELP OPEN UP!!" Plead the stranger.

Definitely in rush as he hears him scream for help ( through the screen ). Of course at first he hesitated. What if it's just a crazy Fanboy who is Trolling, But the guy had bruises and is frantically looking around as If he was being looked by someone. Nonetheless he didn't took long to open the door for the guy as the said man stumbled in, prolly not expecting the owner of the house to open up.

Jaebum was fast enough to catch the latter in his arms before the guy could fall face first on the ground. He has plumpy like lips, sparkly eyes that is puffy from crying so much. Jaebum didn't know what to do, the man only cried and cried in his arms.

Slowly, Jaebum wrapped his arms around the latter's "Hey, Uhh.. Calm down and Breathe in then exhale slowly" He gently rubs circles on the other's back.

They definitely stayed like that for quite a while. As soon as the stranger had calmed down,  Jaebum had brought him into his living room and made him drink water. "Drink this, you need to replace the water you just loose from too much crying" he tried lightening the mood.

Jaebum also tended the latter's wound, in which the other was profusely blushing to it.

Obviously Jaebum isn't good at it. The guy hasn't spoken anything yet. He was watching the guy drink noticing that the guy must be Younger than him. "Thank you" The said stranger uttered which caught Jaebum into surprise.

Jaebum sure has a lot of questions but he doesn't want to burden the latter from all the questions for he just calmed down. "I suppose, you don't have a place to stay for the night... You can rest in my room. I'll sleep here. I only had one Bed Roo--"

"N-no no, I- I can stay here at the sofa.. I insist-" Playing with the hem of his shirt as he looks down while this words left his lips.

"Are you sure? " Jaebum asked, and received a nod. To be frank Jaebum is surprised that the guy was not going crazy about him. I mean I know now isn't the right timing but, The stranger doesn't seem to know Jaebum at all. He is famous. He is a SINGER after all. The stranger could've at least you know notice him.

But what surprised him was the stranger's next statement "I-I'm Youngjae, Sorry for suddenly crashing in your place. You are?"

To say Jaebum was surprised is an understatement he is beyond surprised. "Oh- Uhh Jaebum, Im jaebum" He said, before he flashed a smile. "You know, I actually have a lot of questions-- BUT! I want you to rest for now. You know, Not think about it, We can definitely talk tomorrow" Jaebum said with a smile rubbing his nape, In which youngjae returned a small smile.

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