♡ Youngjae's Chocolate

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oof! a smut! OHOHOHO. ENJOY ; )

"I told you already youngjae, no. Just no." Jaebum sighed. Youngjae has been bugging his hyung for days since he saw him and Jackson fucking in the kitchen. He heard every moan that came out from Jackson's and heck, that's the sound of being pleasured so muchㅡ which is the thing he wants.

"Please, please, please?" He said and gripped on Jaebum's sleeve, looking at him and whining like a baby. "No, youngjae. I still have things to do. Plus, I'm not turned on right now." Jaebum said as he sat down on his swivel chair in front of his desktop.

"Will you fuck me if you're turned on?" Youngjae asked the older guy. "Still no." Jaebum said. Youngjae's lips turns into a pout upon hearing the response

Youngjae sighed and sat on his hyung's bed, pouting hard as he watch him working on his compositions. He purses his lips upon seeing Jaebum's fingers tapping the table, imagining how his fingers will work inside him.

"Hyuuung~" He whined once again as he felt himself getting hard inside his pants. He takes out a small bar of chocolate from his pocket. As he was about to peel off the wrap but Jaebum hissed at him, shooting a deadly glare which made him shiver in fear and ran out the older guy's room.
"Youngjae, where are the others?" Jaebum groaned as he walk out of his room lazily. Youngjae, who was sitting on the couch and fidgeting his phone looked up at him. "Hyung what's wrong? You look drunk." he said. Jaebum sat down beside him and groaned for the second time.

"I don't know.. I feel hot. So fucking hot." Jaebum replied and bite his lips.
"Aww. Are you sick, hyung?" Youngjae smirked and moved closer to his hyung, already having a hint of what's going on with the older.

"Ah fuck.." Jaebum sighed heavily as he felt Youngjae's hand roaming around his thighs. "Hyung.." Youngjae mumbled against Jaebum's ear. "How was the chocolate? Or should I say, aphrodisiac?" He asked while wearing his famous smile.

"I fucking knew it." Jaebum hissed and pushed Youngjae down on the couch, pinning both of his hands above his head. Youngjae giggled as he saw his hyung completely taken by the drug.

"Let's make this quick for you daddy. You look sooo needy right now." Youngjae chuckled lowly and snaked his hands on his shorts, quickly pulling the waistband down to his knees. Jaebum was hard as fuck, thanks to the chocolate and Youngjae's sexiness.
"Ugh. Fuck you." Jaebum groaned as he felt his cock been freed. "We'll go to that part hyung." He smiled and leaned down. Holding Jaebum's shaft, The younger starts licking and sucking his tip, causing his hyung to groan huskily.

Jaebum gripped Youngjae's hair and was about to push him lower but Youngjae Halts and pulled off, making Jaebum frown, which the latter earns a groan from the older due to lost of contact, which youngjae returned a grin. Jaebum find it annoyingly hot.

Youngjae stood up and took off his pants, making his cock sprang out in front of his hyung. He crawled up at Jaebum and smirked. "I'll ride you~" he said and placed his palm infront of his lips, spitting on it and pumped Jaebum's shaft, lubing it.

"Just fucking ride me baby.." Jaebum sighed in frustration and shut his eyes. Youngjae eagerly moved himself down, making Jaebum enter.
"Aah daddy... hnggh... You're so good.." Youngjae bite his lower lips the moment he felt Jaebum's shaft around his walls. Jaebum on the other hand, was feeling so fucking frustrated. He held onto the younger one's hips and starts to move in a fast pace. Youngjae was shocked with how Jaebum thrust. He fell down on top of him, burying his face againsts Jaebum's neck and starts groaning and breathing heavily.

"I.. If I know you're this tight, I already fucked you just right after Jackson.. Shit." Jaebum gritted his teeth and gripped onto Youngjae's ass, squeezing and spreading them widely.

Youngjae sat up straight, making Jaebum stop. He grabbed the older male's hand and wrapped it around his shaft, making him pump him as he starts riding him with the same manner.

"A-aah daddy cum inside me.." Youngjae moaned and tilted up his head as he continue riding Jaebum. Lifting his body as it slides in and out of his hole.

"I'm near.." Jaebum manage to say between groans and moans as his hips moved again and sync his thrusts with Youngjae's movements. After a few hard thrusts, Jaebum shot his loads inside the latter.  The younger one, on the other hand, spilled also his own load and directly spurted on Jaebum's lips. Jaebum glared at him as he tasted Youngjae's cum.

"Is this your another drug for me?"


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