☆ I won't forget you

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Third Person's  POV

"What?! He Punched you?! Why? " Jackson exclaimed, making everyone at the cafeteria look at him.

"I don't know? way to good to start my school year here at this new Academy" Jaebum said rubbing circles to his jaw that was punched.

"Thats odd, Youngjae don't usually punch someone randomly" Jinyoung mumbled scrunching his forehead as he scratches his nape, seemingly confused.

"Youngjae? so that was his name." Jaebum clicked his tongue. "Yes.." Jackson answered nodding his head.

Jaebum sighed. stood up on their table. "Well I guess, I need to head back my Dorm Room already" Jaebum muttered. Waving his goodbye to his friends.

As soon as he reached his dorm, He arched his brow, Standing infront of his dorm door. "Huh? I guess my roommate finally arrived?" he said to no one particularly but himself, as soon as he saw a moving box and bag.

He heard shuffling inside. As he was about to go inside a shorter male bump him making him and the shorter male fall to the ground.

"I'm sorry--"

"Youngjae?" Jaebum asked cutting the sentence the male was about to say.

"YOU?!" Youngjae exclaimed.

"what are you doing in my-- WAIT-- NO!? you are not my roommate. No. Never" Youngjae said. shaking his head.

Jaebum on the other hand find him cute even though hours ago he was punched by him.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Jaebum asked. Pulling himself up and dusting off imaginary dust his clothes.

"W-Why do you c-care!??" Youngjae stammered, mentally cursing himself for stuttering. Pulling himself up as well. Storming his way to his dorm ( also jaebum's room )

Following youngjae as he sat on his own bed. "I just, want to know?" Jaebum replied unsure. His eyes staring right onto Youngjae's brown ones.

Youngjae avoided the olders gaze. "What does it has to do to you if you know?" Youngjae asked. Crossing his arms to his chest.

"So thatt I will understand why you randomly punched new students in face randomly." Jaebum mumbled.

"You kind of remind me of someone" Youngjae said. His eyes were on his phone, his fingers busy fidgeting on his phone.

"Who?" Jaebum asked getting more curious. "Him." Youngjae simply replied.

Jaebum didn't asked more. He knew the younger was avoiding him at all cost. Jaebum instead lay down on his bed and get himself some sleep.

Morning came, Jaebum finally woke up from his deep slumber. Since its Sunday, There are no classes.

He spotted Youngjae sitting on his own bed. Tugging at the hem of his shirt, while nibbling on his lips. He seems to be in deep thoughts.

Or thats what jaebum thought until a sniff snap him.

'is he crying?' jaebum thought. He sat on his bed now fully awaked. He stretched his arms making a signal he is awake.

Which Youngjae quickly noticed wiping the tear off his eyes. 'so he really is crying?' jaebum thought to himself.

"And what is it to you if I am crying?" Youngjae said. Or maybe jaebum said it out loud instead to himself only.

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