✩ Kidnapped ( Part 2 )

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All italicized parts were flash backs!!
anywho, this is unedited. Hadn't proofread yet.. hehe
Thanks for those who voted for Part 1, anyways enjoy Kidnapped part 2!!!

Since that night, after discovering a little about Youngjae. Jaebum got attached to the Younger, Taking even extra care of him as if Youngjae was
a fragile glass that could broke any minute. Jaebum also hadn't asked about Youngjae, ever since the night he cried, Jaebum don't have the heart to ask, he couldn't bring himself to afraid that the younger may broke into years once again.

Also he wants Youngjae to take some time. But he is wondering why is Youngjae on the seoul, He was sure Youngjae was about to tell but he didn't.

Jaebum discovered that Youngjae has Trauma because of the events that happened to him. Which made Jaebum wonder what has really happened to him.

One day they were talking about getting out but all Youngjae could say is that he hates going out, as if the outside world was cruel. Youngjae obviously doesn't see the outside as somewhat safe anymore. All he knows is he feared being out.

Youngjae also discovered that Jaebum loves music, and that he has friends that comes over his Flat, namely Yugyeom, Jinyoung, Jackson, Bambam, Mark. They were nice to him and Youngjae enjoys their company as much as with Jaebum. But he didn't know why he felt special around Jaebum, Like he has butterflies for him.

There's this one day. Youngjae was eating pizza Jaebum ordered for them on the Sofa as he watched a movie from the TV screen, Jaebum came out fresh from the showers and Youngjae just, coughs and almost chokes on his food upon seeing Jaebum half naked. Displaying proudly his body to Youngjae.

Jaebum of course laughed and teases the latter "Like what you see?" Youngjae burns into a deep shade of red as he recovers from his coughing, shaking his head. "W-what! n-no!" Youngjae manage to say, his cheeks flushed as he was deeply blushing. His heart thumping fast on his chest.

Jaebum on the other hand is happy, he can't help but to feel really happy around Youngjae, Whatever Youngjae does, He finds it cute. Like that one night Youngjae was amused at the Television how it turns off and on and how much he enjoys watching from different channels.

"Well you sure are adorable" Jaebum commented as he watches Youngjae in awe as he fiddles with the remote trying to change channels. Youngjae was indeed happy with the said technology. He even had binge watch whenever Jaebum would leave for 'work'.

They sure had gotten closer, and when I said closer. I MEANT CLOSER. Youngjae actually shares the bed with Jaebum nowadays, ever since Jaebum witnessed Youngjae having bad dreams at night, He would immediately cuddle the younger to his arms to sleep while he runs his hands through the soft locks of Youngjae.

However, All through all their time together youngjae still is unaware of Jaebum's career. He didn't know he is actually living with one of the famous singers in South Korea. It's been 2 weeks of them together when suddenly, a man dressed professionally would appear and would always steal Jaebum from Youngjae.

Youngjae would often pout when that guy whom Jaebum calls 'manager' takes jaebum out. Youngjae wants Jaebum to spent his day with him instead. Jaebum would only say it's for his work, in which Youngjae believes.

Bambam is right now with him Watching a movie with him. "I see, Jaebum Hyung has been helping you a lot" Bambam started, You see Youngjae often stutters when he speaks because of trauma. But with the help of Jaebum he slowly overcomes it.. "Yeah, He is really a big help. Bambam-ssi, Tell me. Why is Bummie-Hyung busy this days?" Youngjae asked with a pout as he fiddles with the hem of his shirt. He misses his Bummie.

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