☆ I'm Sorry

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Being inlove is one of the best moments in life, Exchanging I love yous , sharing warmth, Late night cuddles, and with the room filled with both cheesyness and laughters. Youngjae was so happy for his husband's existance, Jaebum.

But thats what Youngjae thought, Choi Youngjae age 25 and he can't see. He was born blind, Every night, His husband Jaebum whispers sweet nothings into his ears which makes him happy.

But the sad reality is, Jaebum was paid by Youngjae's parents to marry Him. Behind Youngjae's back, Jaebum is seeing Someone. he has another relationship with a guy.

"Goodmorning, Hubby" Youngjae stretched his arms as he reached for the other side of the bed finding his husbands warmth, But he boticed that the bed beside him is empty.

He tried calling his name. "Jaebum? baby?" He reached for his stick that he always use to be his guide as he walks.

He reached the kitchen, Once again calling his name. "baby? Bummie?" He calls out, instead a female voice was heard as she reaches Youngjae's hand and help him seat on one of the kitchen chairs.

"Youngjae, Jaebum Oppa is out.. He said he would be buying something at the market" Chaery said. Chaery is Youngjae's Friend, She takes care of Youngjae when his husband is gone.

After eating his Breakfast he sat on the sofa with Chaery as he tells her wonderful stories about him and his husband. "You know, am so happy to have him, He is the greatest gift God has given me." He said as a wide smile played on his lips.

"Youngjae? Why do you always have that Pastel pink blanket with you?" Chaery asked as Youngjae finishes his story. The smile on Youngjae's face widens.

"Pastel Pink is my favorite color.. because they said, Pink is the color of the guys and i think it makes me look more manly. And this Pink blaket is my blanky. Remember that my real parents left me abandoned, this is all i have them to myself. But am happy that my new parents found me and took care of me despite of me seeing nothing", He smiles. " Even though i dont know what color Pink looks like, I am happy.. It makes me happy. It's comfortable, like someone was hugging me" The smile never seems to never leave his face.

Youngjae is sitting on the sofa, Chaery has left already as he asked him to because as per Youngjae's 'Its getting darker you should go now, i'll be fine' He waited and waited for his husbands arrival. But he heard no traces of him.

All sweet couples have fights ofcourse and so does Youngjae and Jaebum. Youngjae was annoyed at Jaebum going home late.

"Why were you late? You know i get worried." He asked calmy yet stern.

Jaebum huffed "Its none of your business"

"None of my business?!" The words ringed in Youngjae's ears as his tone raises.

"Yes! So please, CHOI YOUNGJAE. I just want to rest!! Get out of my way!" He pushes him off the doorway of their room causing the boy fall on the cold ground

Using his stick to stand and regain his balance and strength. He walked to where he heard noises. He was standing infront of their bed. Where Jaebum tries to shut his eyes to sleep.

"NO! I CAN'T CARELESS ABOUT YOU! YOU ARE MY HUSBAND!!!" he yelled at him. Tears starting to form. Even tho he cant see his husband, He knows very well that the other tall male is mad. Yes he can't see and he is blind.. but he wells up and shed tears.


Youngjae stormed out of the room, And Jaebum didn't even bother following. He only glances at their shared bed as he sees Youngjae's favorite blanket.

Weeks after no signs of Youngjae showing up in their shared house appeared. He didnt went home. He was worried. He was guilty and his conscience is eating him alive. He plopped on his bed, Helpless as he called everyone Youngjae could be at. But they all answered "sorry bro, Youngjae is not here"

A little later, as he dozes off to sleep a phone call was heard. He opened his eyes. "chaery" As the phone caller's ID.

"Jaebum... You might wanna visit the hospital now.. i'll text you the Hospital's name" and the call ended. Not knowing why. He dressed up well and he is hoping he could finally see Youngjae with Chaery.

reaching the said hospital as he went to the exact room where chaery texted to him. The room was empty. But he was welcomed by Chaery with a sad face.

"He wants to give you this, See him at Room 143, After reading that" Chaery said before leaving.

'He? who is he?' Jaebum thought as he took the paper to his hands. Opening the letter carefully.

Dear Jaebummie,

Hey Bummie Though i never caught a glimpse of your smile, nor see you face, you are still the most handsome person in the world. Hey baby, I love you, Thanks for all the shared memories we had. even though i cannot see everything. I know and i believed that you loved me too.

Yes honey, I was hurt by the mere fact that you never loved me. But hey, even though its one sided. I still love you. Okay? Thank you also for taking care of me, I am blind and i cannot see a thing, but with you, My dark world becomes colorful. And also thank you, For everynight you always describe to me How Color yellow looks like. I wish i could see one.

Hon, Sorry. Sorry for being a burden, Sorry for having me in your life, You could have find the one that is for you if not for me. But i didnt regret anything in the past. I was happy i met you, even in the short period of time. nevertheless am still thankful you were my husband. even though you did not really loved me. am still thankful.

Sorry too, For not telling you early that i am suffering in this eye cancer. That i am nearly dying, and maybe when you are reading this. I maybe gone by now. but hey, I hope you are happy now. I hope you can finally be with the one whom you truly love, and not with a blind guy who like pink yet he cannot see it. Please keep my pastel pink blanky. The Pink blanket has been my guide. Jusy like you, You were my guide.

I love you honey, Hope you found what is the true meaning of love.

Sincerely; Choi Youngjae ♡

Tears sheds through Jaebum's eyes. He walks out of the room and proceed's to Room 143. He hesitated opening the knob. Twisting the knob open as slowly enters. What surprises him was Youngjae, Pale. and has no more heart beat. He is dead. his lips had turned black already, as a sign that he really is no longer alive.

Jaebum's body tensed at the sight. Not believing his eyes. not believing what was he witnessing right now.. he walks to him. Holding his now cold hand. " Youngjae, Baby.. wake up. I am here now, I am sorry. I'm Really sorry. You're not blind. I was blind for not seeing your real beauty.. and for not appreciating it, I'm sorry. Wake up now please ...."

Days passed, He was laying on Jimin's and His' bed. He noticed that their room is Pastel Pink. Everything about this room is HIS favorite color, and it all represented Youngjae. With their pictures hanging on the walls. he felt another pool of tears escaping.

"I am sorry, Youngjae. I love you"

a/n: i have posted this story in my other wattpad account. but with different names.

I also revised this. If you think I plagiarized this well then no.

Its actually a work of my own, so what do you think? .

is it ugly? probably. hahahahaha.

thanks for reading anyways. hehehehe.

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