☆ Camera

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"Youngjae, Look i found a butterfly. You should take a photo of that" Young Jaebum said as he held the Younger's hand. Taking him to where the butterfly is.

Young Youngjae smiled as he take a photo of it. "Take a Photo of us too!" Jaebum said. Youngjae giggled "Alright, you cute hyung.." Youngjae said as the two kids took a photo of themselves Jaebum leaning close to steal a peck on Youngjae's cheeks.

The photo was taken as Youngjae blushed, Hitting Jaebum's arms. "Yucccck!" jaebum only laughed as he was being chased around by Youngjae

The two grew older as The two were at the park. Once again taking photos. Youngjae took a photo of the scenery as he looks around. "Jaebum, Stand here and let me take a photo of you" Youngjae said as he flashed a smile. Jaebum, smiles back at him. Youngjae clicking the shutter of the camera.

Youngjae walks close to Jaebum to show the photo he took. Jaebum smiled. "Wow you really took good photos huh, Youngjae?" He asked back hugging the latter as he showers him with pecks.

Youngjae whined, as he turns to face Jaebum. Jaebum chuckled waiting for the latter to hit him, but he felt soft lips to his. The two locked lips under the bright moonlight.

"I love you, and I wanted to marry you someday my love. " Jaebum said. Making Youngjae smile. "I like how that sounds."

"Okay, Jaebum Smile to the camera" Youngjae once again said, a smile plastered to his face. He took the photo as he glanced at the photo he took. Jinyoung and Jaebum Standing side by side.

"Hey Youngjae..." Jaebum said tapping his shoulder.

"Thanks for becoming my official photographer on Jinyoung and I's wedding" Jaebum said. Smiling at the Younger.

The smile Youngjae always adored. "Of course, That's nothing. Let me take one more photo" Youngjae said, Covering his eyes with the camera as his tears flows. Taking Photos of the Newly Wedded Couple.

a//n: Another one shot story!

Hope you like it? Hehehehehe. Sorry I like making you guys cry.

want to read more 2Jae Stories? I just Updated my 2Jae Story "Dream"


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