♡ Subspace

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⚠️ smut ahead⚠️

"Daddy, p-please!" Youngjae begs in a whiny voice, hips squirming desperately as he tries to move towards and away those hands at the same time. Jaebum have been edging him for nearly an hour, one hand around his throbbing cock, the other having two fingers inside him.

Youngjae was on the verge of tears, hands tied above his head, completely submissive to the other.

"You've been good. I will let you come now, hm?" Jaebum said in a calm voice, and Youngjae moaned, his body moving over the sheets in expectation as he nodded eagerly.

With a smirk, Jaebum tightened the loose grip around Youngjae's cock, stroking him at a fast pace while his fingers drag directly against his prostate, and Youngjae is whimpering, hips bucking up harder than before, and he's so close. He can feel his orgasm building, burning his inner thighs and the pit of his stomach, and he lets out a strangled, whiny warning that he's gonna come, only to have the hand pulled away in the last second, the fingers going still inside him and he nearly shouts, face contorting and body fidgeting as Jaebum laughs.

"Aw, I couldn't help it. I love seeing your sad little face." Jaebum says in an amused, mocking tone, and Youngjae can only whimper in response, being somewhat incoherent at this point.

His cock throbbed, painfully hard and swollen, the head turning a light shade of purple.
"P-please, please, just-- Ahh, please! D-daddy, I-- please​, I need!" The words fell from his parted mouth in between his heavy breath, the tears forming on the corner of his eyes finally rolling down his cheeks.

"Color?" The man asked, and Youngjae moaned quietly before stuttering out an answer. "G-green" his voice was low but clear, and Jaebum nodded, bringing his hand back to Youngjae's painful erection.

The tip of the forefinger ran down from the leaking head to the base, making Youngjae shudder with a soft cry. It seemed to work to make Im Jaebum to take some pity on him, and his hand was once again wrapped around Youngjae's length, stroking it at a steady pace while his fingers started to move inside him again.

Youngjae moaned loudly, trying his best to keep his hips still, but it was useless, it was so much pleasure, too much. He needed release. "Daddy, let me c-come, please, can't-- take it anymore, please Daddy..." Youngjae begged.

Jaebum hummed, glancing at himas he looked so calm, Youngjae could almost think he wasn't rock hard inside his own pants. "Do you want to come, baby boy?" Jaebum asked, to which the younger nodded eagerly as Jaebum chuckles darkly.

The hand around his cock picked up the pace again, causing an obscene wet noise due to the amount of precum leaking from the little slit on the head. Youngjae pulled on the restraints, his whole body tensing up as he was soon extremely close again, but knowing he couldn't come until his daddy said so. "Please! Daddy, please, need to come! Please let me!" He begged, stumbling over the words, desperate at the possibility of being denied again.

But this time, a sly grin appeared on Jaebum's lips, and his fingers resumed prodding against his overly sensitive prostate. "You can come, baby. Come on, come for me." And with those words, the so much needed permission, Youngjae let his head fall back, eyes squeezing shut as a sequence of high pitched, loud moans left his mouth.

The orgasm was building up fast, and he had no time for a warning, his whole body arching off the bed as he came with a loud, long cry. Thick ropes of semen spurted from his cock, landing all over his own defined stomach and chest, one after the other, and it was so intense it felt like it would never end, leaving his legs shaking. Jaebum's hands started to slow down to a stop, while Youngjae's moans slowly died, until he was just breathing heavily, mind threatening​ to slip into subspace.

Jaebum's hand was sure indeed covered in cum, as he chuckled pulling both his hands away, causing Youngjae to groan quietly. "How do you say?" The intense, deep voice forced Youngjae to open his eyes, smiling weakly as he replied.

"Thank you, daddy" he managed to say, voice hoarse and tired, Jaebum smiled at him, leaning down to press a soft peck over his lips. "That's my good boy." With that comment, Youngjae succumb to a deep sleep.

a//n: WELL OOF! ANOTHER SMUT MY FRNS... accept this as a gift after i became hiatus miluvs.


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