Do I Forgive Him?

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I was in shock if what is just read. Did he really mean it? So I ran downstairs and grabbed Tay's phone and called Matt.

(Matt= M Hannah=H)

M- Hey Taylor whats up?

H- It's not Taylor.

M- Oh. Hannah whats up?

H- Ummm... I just read the letter yo- Taylor gave to me.

M- And?

H- Did you really mean that?

M- Yes I did. Will you ever forgive me?

H- I would but you have to do something for me like you promised.

M- I will do anything.

H- You have to go on one, jut one date with me.

M-Okay. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8

H- Sounds good. Got to go bye.

Matts POV

I can't believe that I get to go on a date with Hannah. This is he day I've been dreaming for.

Hannah's POV

I can't believe I just did that, I'm going on a date with Matt Espinosa. I just hope he won't do anything stupid to me.

"Taylor!" I yelled, but there was no answer


"What Hannah?" He yelled back.

"Where's Taylor?"

"He went out to get some stuff. What do you need?" I walked downstairs into the kitchen.

"I need someone to talk to." I could see that he looked worried.

"Ya sure, what about?"

"Well... Matts taking me out tomorrow." I said the last part really fast so he wouldn't hear me.

Dillon's POV

"He's taking you out on a date?" I said/yelled.

"Ya and I was wondering if anything goes wrong, could you be there?" I nodded my head.

"Thanks I knew I could always count on you." she have me a quick kiss on the cheek than left.

I kept thinking to myself; why would Hannah forgive Matt like that? After everything he did to her, but if she's happy I'm happy.

*** Next Day***

Hannah's POV

I woke up around 12:30 so I decided to get ready for today. After I got ready I went downstairs to grab something to eat. I was in the middle of cooking when a pair of arms wrapped around me.

"Dillon would you stop?"

"How'd you know it was me?"

"Well let me see; your hands, cologne, and also Taylor wouldn't do that to me." I grabbed my plate and started eating.

"So about your date with Matt..." He looked nervous.

"Ya what about it, are you jealous?"

"No..." I could see him blush a little.

"Well it's 2:30 do you want to hang out for a little bit?" We both waked in the living room soon joined by bed head Taylor, and than watched Netflix.

*** 7:30***

"I have to get ready I'll be back." I texted Matt asking him what I should ware, he said to just dress casual.

So I grabbed some ripped jeans, a shirt that says 'out of your league' with my Superman sweatshirt, with my black Vans and bracelets to hide stuff that I don't want anybody to know about except for Taylor.


What is she trying to hide? Will Matt find out about it or will she keep it a secret? Will Dillon get jealous?

Okay so I think that this story sucks but I'll still continue. If you guys can think of any ideas for the next chapter leave a comment or message me, I'll make sure I use them.

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