Part 2

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"Outside!" I opened the front door and both of them were standing there.

"What's going on?"

"We'll tell you on the way there." Dillon said while opening the Corvette door for me.


"Okay so now can you guys tell me!!!?"

"Well we thought you would like to make you more happy." Taylor said.

"If you want me to be more happy just leave Dillon and I alone and that'll be great!!" I thought to myself.

"Umm that doesn't explain where your taking me." All of us laughed.

"Okay well I know you don't like me sometimes,Hannah but..." I cut Tay off.

"But what?!!"

"But I will do something very special for you."

"Come on Taylor tell me!!!!" I yelled.

"Are you sure we should tell her bro or should she just figure it out?" Dillon asked.

"We're gonna let her figure it out."

Why won't they tell me what there doing? I really want to know!!!!


We arrived at a restaurant that looked really nice.

"Okay we're here. Now get out!!" Tay yelled.

I got out of the Corvette and noticed only Dillon got out with me.

"Wait why isn't Taylor coming?"

"Wow you really don't get it do you?"

"Dillon is this... a date?" He nodded.

We went in and sat down. Dillon had that look on his face like he had to say something.

"What are you thinking of?" I asked.

"Why someone would do that to you."

"Do what to me?"

"Force you to show them your cuts."

"But i wasn't forced he did it to me to show him he did it himself, Dillon."

"Yes I know that Hannah, but I want you to know that I will love you know matter what. I don't care if you have scars on your arms, I love you for you. I don't care what other people say about you. Hannah Caniff I love you no matter what, I love girls with scars." By the end I was crying and I could see his eyes watering.

"I love you too Dill Pickle." He reached across the table and wiped off my tears.

We are our food and walked to a park near by.



"Why do you love me?"

"I love you because your beautiful, you have a great personality, your funny. There's a lot more but I don't want to bore you to death." We both laughed.

We started talking about random stuff and imagining what our futures will be.

I saw someone who was looking at me and I couldn't believe who it was.



I'm sorry if none of this made sense I was in a rush to finish this and I had writers block.

If you guys have ideas for the next chapter just leave a comment and/or message me. ✌️

Taylor Caniffs Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now