The New Life

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I ran to Dillon's and knocked on his door when I got there.
"Hannah what are you doing here?" He asked.
"Taylor's being an ass so do you mind of I stay here?"
"Of course you can." He lead me inside and we went up into his room.
"What happened between you and Taylor?" He asked, I shook my head. "Come on HannahYou know you can tell me anything."
"Okay..." I started telling him everything from when I got inside till I ran.
"Hannah I'm so sorry. I don't know whats gotten into Taylor lately he been acting so weird."
"Dillon you know this isn't your fault. And I don't know either." He reached in a hugged me, and kissed my head.
"I'm really sorry for everything that Taylor has ever done to you."
"Dillon it's okay."
"No it's not Hannah a girl like you shouldn't be treated like that." We stared at each other for a couple minutes. Than he leaned in.
The softness of his lips felt great. It felt like the fight with Taylor didn't even happen. Next thing I know Dillon pushes me back on the bed so he's on top of me.
"Dillon stop." He looked confused when I told him.
"I don't want to go that far."
"Okay I understand. How about this you and I go out and get somethin' to eat and than we come back and relax together?"
"Okay sounds fair, let's go."
Taylor's POV.
What did I just do? I let my sister run away from home. This is all my fault that she's gone. God I really should've got drunk last night.
I went to grab my phone to apologize to Hannah.
I go and dial Hannah.
"Hannah, are you okay?"
"If you were in my eyes being yelled at like you yelled at me, you would want to run away or even die. So to answer your question no I'm not okay."
"Hannah I'm sorry I was drunk and..." Before I could say anything els she cut me off.
"No Taylor there's no 'I'm sorry' about this I really don't care if you were drunk you still shouldn't have treated me like that ever!! Goodbye Taylor."
Than she hung up. What have I done. Next thing I know I'm throwing myself around and breaking stuff.

Hannah's POV
"Who was that?" Dillon asked me.
"It was just Taylor, it's no big deal."
"Hannah I heard you yelling at him don't tell me it's no big deal. You shouldn't be treated like this by the only family you have left."
"Yeah I know that Dillon but you know he didn't treat me right so yeah... But anyways let's go get something to eat." I said trying to put the conversation about Taylor aside.
"Alright let's go."

Dillon and I drove to get subs and some candy and than went home.

I'm really sorry this is a late update I've been busy and sorry if this chapter was short or boring.

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