Chapter 16

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I saw Dillon running after me, I dint want to deal with him so I ran farther away from him.

I was running across the street when a car came and hit me, than everything went black.

Dillon's POV

I saw Hannah get hit by the car, I quickly ran over to her and called 9-1-1 (Call 9-1 FU*CKEN 1 -Tincan Dallas)

I'm also guessing when Hannah ran out she called Taylor. I saw him run out of his car over to me.

"Dude what happened!" He yelled.

"I was running after her and than this car comes and hits her. I'm sorry Taylor." I say trying not to cry.

"I can't believe this happened, why did she run out?"

"We were having an argument and she ran out on me."

About 5 minutes later the ambulance came. Taylor road in the back with Hannah while I drive to the hospital.

I ran up to the front desk and asked for her room.

"That will be room 357." The lady said, I thanked her and ran to the elevators.

When I finally arrived on the floor I saw Taylor, Nash, Cameron, Carter, both of the Jacks, Shawn, and Matt.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked Taylor.

"We don't know yet. I really hope she's fine."

"Yeah we all do." I said.

*15 minutes later*

The doctor came out and told us about Hannah.

"We did all we can and there's not a 100% that's she's gonna make it. But she's in a coma, I'm sorry." Then the doctor walked out.

"She's not going to make it." Taylor said tearing up a little.

"Don't think that man. I bet she's gonna make it." Johnson said.

Taylor's POV

I couldn't believe that she was in a coma. I decided to go in and see her.

"Hannah I know you probably can't hear me right now but, I really hope you do wake up and I hope we can go back to having the good memories like we had. I remember when mom and dad were still alive and we would always mess around and you would get so mad 'cause dad would always try to playfully hit you." I chuckled a little.

Hannah's POV

I heard Taylor saying that he hopes I wake up. What does he mean?

I tried moving my legs but the didn't move, I tried opening my eyes and nothing happened. Am I in a coma?

"Do you remember when Dillon, me and you went to a game and someone spilled soda all over you?" I heard Taylor say. I did remember that.

"I'll see you later, love ya." Than I heard footsteps walking out of the door."

Matthew's POV

I saw Taylor coming out of Hannah's room with tears running down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry bro." I said while giving him a hug.

He didn't respond, just walked away. Than I decided to go see her.

"Hannah, I know you can probably hear me, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for bullying you and having you almost commit. I really hope that you wake up so that we can get off to a great start again." I than leaned over and kissed her cheek, and than left.

When I walked out of her room I saw mostly everyone was gone except for Taylor, and Dillon.

"I'm sorry about Hannah, but I have to go I'll see you guys tomorrow maybe."

"Bye." Tay said.

Dillon's POV

"Im going to go home, I'll be back later." Taylor said.

"Okay well I'll be here." He than got up and left, I than went to Hannah's room.

I went in and sat on the edge of her bed and admired how beautiful she was.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you, this is all my fault. I shouldn't of assumed anything to make this happen to you. I'm so sorry." I then got up and left.


I'm really sorry guys for not updating a long time ago. I really hope you liked this chapter 😊.

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